To Attack or Not To Attack...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Master Gichin Funakoshi, considered to be the "father of modern Karate", taught five guiding priciples for Karate students to follow in their training and life in general. These are called the "Dojo Kun". Whether you train in traditional Karate or another style, I think these are solid principles to aspire to.

One of the principles is this: "Kekki no yu o imashimuru koto," or "Refrain from violent behavior." A further teaching by Master Funakoshi and some of his students, reflecting this same principle is, " Karate, never attack first." This is not about being passive, as it seems on the surface, as much as it is about being wise!

How can we apply this to everyday life? It seems easy enough to practice this in our training...being aware of our opponent's moves in order to block or deflect an attack. Being patient, confident and poised, instead of allowing ourselves to become nervous, anxious, or confused. Showing respect and discipline in our every action, word, and thought. The application is apparent and numerous in Martial Arts.

What about life? I think we can find many ways there too... Read on...