Newest Legend and Athlete

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sammy Smith, KICKgen's featured Athlete is 11 years old from Dix Hills, New York. She has been training in the martial arts for the last seven and a half years in Kenpo Karate at Busto’s Karate in Plainview, New York. Unlike many kids her age Sammy trains everyday sometimes two to two and a half hours on her various martial arts talents. Sammy is a well-traveled young martial artist. She has been to countries such as Canada and has traveled to many of the respective states within the US. She was also the youngest member of Team US, a group of martial arts competitors, who were invited to St. Petersburg, Russia in 2008.

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Le-gend [lej-uhnd]: a collection of stories about an admirable person; a person who is the center of such stories. If you live in the Northeast, you probably have heard of this legend many times over again. And it is likely that you have seen his magazine, Action Martial Arts Magazine. Our legend this time is innovator and traditional stylist: Alan Goldberg.

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