True Modern Warriors: A Tribute To...

Friday, May 8, 2009

In this installment of "True Modern Warriors" I would like to pay special tribute to:


Moms are true warriors...warriors of our modern day. Let's take a peek into their lives (as best a male writer can)...

Wake early. time for yawning, I am MOM! Take the pet out. Wake the kids. Wake the, um...husband. Coffee on. Breakfast. Wake the kids, and husband, again. Milk, juice, vitamins...all there. Shower (Bath? I wish!) Hair...ooh, hair. Do something with it later, no time now. Get dressed, sort of. Forgot the pet outside, sorry Pookie. Breakfast cold. "Kids!" Books. Backpacks. Field trip permission slip...signed. Lunches made. Sip coffee. Wake the kids and husband...AGAIN. Feed the fish. Lay the clothes out for the kids, ok, the husband too. "Get up honey, you're gonna be late." "Kids!" Oh my, forgot to turn off stove. Hair, gotta get to my hair. Makeup. Do these earrings match. Who cares? Finish getting dressed. Drink coffee. Where are my keys? Hair. Shoes. Jacket. Take coat for freezing office. Kids, where are the kids? I hear water running, finally. Reports for work. Report cards for school. Snacks. Call and schedule teacher's conference. Feed Pookie. Take the curling iron out of the did THAT get there? Unplug the briefcase. Plug in the Bus...BUS! "Kids!" Gulp coffee. Run! Keys? The car doesn't start with my finger. Bet it can though, I AM MOM! Kids on the bus. Husband on the hood of the car...oh, sorry honey, I didn't see you there. "Get in, we're late." (That must have hurt!) Work. Pick kids up from school. Ballet. Martial Arts class (Three of them! When did I sign up for all these?) Homework. Dinner. Baths for everyone. Where's Pookie? Drink more coffee...Yes, at 9pm! My day has only just begun. Walk the fish. Water the other pet. Tuck in the kids...and the husband. Clean the kitchen. Why is there a curling iron in the fridge? Fold the last load of laundry. Take off shoes. Change clothes. Sit down...OUCH! Kid's toys. Think about tomorrow...forget it, too stressful. Relax...hmph. Breathe. Pillow. STOP! Not yet. Set alarms. Turn off lights. Unplug refrigerator. Forgot the pet outside again, sorry Pookie. Watch kids part of my day. Kiss hubby on the cheek. How does he get to sleep so fast? Yawn. Now I can yawn. Pillow. Finally. Smile. I am MOM, the Modern Warrior!

Now, if I am even close (and I bet it is 10 times more intense) then you can see Moms truly are Modern Warriors.

Here's to you Mom! Hats off...glasses raised...cheering begins...

Thanks for being everything you are. Happy Mother's Day Weekend!

Everyone something uniquely special for your Mom this weekend, that is definitely expected. But right now, stop what you are doing and go say "Thanks!", "I love you!", or something else that would totally make her day.

From myself and all of us here at,

Have An Extraordinary Mother's Day Weekend!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug