Member Inspiration: DeAndre "De-Man" Brown

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Once again, I am amazed at the level of excellence found in the lives of members here at This week we have an opportunity to hear from a young man who was one of my first ever friends on (and probably true for many of you too). He is already a "major player" in the world of martial arts, in my opinion, and I believe he has tremendous insight into what it means to live at the highest level in all areas of life. Tune in and enjoy this week's inspiration coming straight at you from someone we all affectionately know here at as: "DeMan"!

Name: DeAndre Brown (username: De-Man)
Rank: 1st
Degree Black Belt
Style: Chun Kuk Do
School: Dunamis Karate, Ridgleand, SC (Ower/Chief Instructor: Mrs. Lindy Woods)
Point of Inspiration: DeAndre was recently promoted to 1st Degree Black Belt. As well, he is a champion tournament competitor and an avid user of He is a constant source of inspiration to people, young and "less than young" alike.

KGDoug: DeAndre, you were recently promoted in Chun Kuk Do (CKD). To what rank were you promoted and give us a little insight as to what it took get to that level?

DeAndre: On April 18, 2009 I was promoted to 1st Degree Black Belt. It took determination, dedication, plenty of practice and about 4 ½ years to get to this level.

KGDoug: Whew! Not easy, but definitely worth it. Is there a lot of pressure being young and achieving such a high rank in the Martial Arts?

DeAndre: No, I have never felt any pressure I just made up my mind and set my goals. One test, one belt; next test, next belt - that’s what stayed in my mind. I have always have been focused, and mindful of other kids my age just starting in Martial Arts. When they ask questions, I try to inspire and motivate them while being totally honest and truthful with them. I let them know that any type of Martial Arts is hard work. But it can also be fun too.

KGDoug: Very good. How do you deal with pressure in your life, whether it is from Martial Arts, school, or other areas?

DeAndre: I always strive to be and do my very best so I don’t really feel any pressure in my life or with my schoolwork or Martial Arts. I was more nervous than pressured on the day of my Black Belt testing but as soon as I stepped on the mat I went into my zone and was on target, the nervousness left me. I guess I’m like that at school too, I’m a distinguished “A” Honor roll student and have been since I started school.

KGDoug: Impressive! This is something I believe every student should strive for...striving to be and do the very best! You also have some accomplishments in tournament play. Can you list those for us?

DeAndre: I am a member of an organization called Black Belts For Christ (BBFC). For my age, rank and division, I am the reigning State Champion for the years: 2006, 2007, and 2008. I am also the reigning Grand Champion for the years: 2006, 2007, and 2008. In all of the BBFC tournaments I attended I did Forms, Weapons and Sparring and came in 1st place.

We also have an annual tournament called The Goodwill Tournament that I have attended for the past four years. I placed 1st in forms, weapons and sparring that first year (2006) and each year after that and up to this year, 2009.

KGDoug: Wow! These are wonderful accomplishments, especially while maintaining such high standards academically and in other areas of your life. What are you looking to accomplish next in your training or competing?

DeAndre: As far as my Chun Kuk Do training that will continue. My next long-range goal is to be a 5th Degree Black Belt by the time I turn 19 years old, then I’ll go off to college. I would also like to start training right now in some other forms of Martial Arts. I’m still in the process of deciding which one to choose as of this date. As far as competing, I hope to be able to participate in and branch out into some of the other rated Martial Arts Circuits out there. I always love new challenges.

KGDoug: How often do you train each week?

DeAndre: Three days a week at the studio, and when I’m home I always find time to train. So I guess you can say I train everyday. My sessions depend on what I’m working on. It may last 1 hour or all afternoon with some breaks in between.

KGDoug: What else do you like to do from day to day?

DeAndre: I love to read, my reading goal in our Accelerated reading program for this school year was 100 I finished the year with a score of 449.7. I love to play any and all types of video games. I love playing chess, doing word search puzzles and I also like collecting and watching any kind of Martial Arts movie. Oh and I can’t forget, hanging out on

KGDoug: We have a lot in common. I love Chess and actually collect Chess boards from all over the world, and I love reading and Martial Arts movies. We need to hang out sometime! :) What do you think is most important in life to be successful?

DeAndre: I think you have to know what it is that you want to achieve then set your goal, tell yourself you can do it, give yourself a time frame. Then just do it. (If you think it, you can achieve it).

KGDoug: Is there anyone you would like to recognize for helping you reach the heights you have so far?

DeAndre: Well of course, my instructor Mrs. Lindy Woods. She is the best teacher in the whole wide world. She is awesome. I look forward to going to class all the time just to see what new technique she is going to teach me. In school I want to recognize my teacher, Ms. Patricia Moye, for making me rise to the challenges she presented me with, and do class work on a 4th and 5th grade level even though I’m just in the 3rd grade. I have never ever been bored in her class.

Last but not least my Mom, I would be nothing and nowhere without her. She is always there for me in anything I want to do. She is everything I need and more and she has a great sense of humor and does great imitations. She always inspires me to be my best. My Dad is pretty cool too; he’s my practice partner and makes it fun to do my techniques on.

KGDoug: Hey now, be careful with your Dad. Just make sure it is fun for HIM to have techniques done on HIM! :) (Note: DeAndre's Mom is a Member too. Her username is: De-Mom.) If you could give advice to members out there who are striving to be their very best, what would you say?

DeAndre: First of all I would say you have got to have a "stick-to-it-ness" attitude and the dedication to keep going forward even if you face some disappointments and obstacles. The only way your going to accomplish your goal and achieve that next belt or your Black Belt is one belt at a time. Go on and watch and enjoy that Kung Fu Panda or The Karate Kid movie and then say to yourself, "Oh man, Karate is so cool. I want to do that.” When you get your parents to take you to a dojo and you step on that mat for the first time, just know that it's going to take more than the length of a movie to become a Martial Artist.

Last week when I was coming to class as we were walking in, a new student was coming out he was so excited and telling his dad, “Look dad I got my white belt.” I stopped and congratulated him and I told him to go home and take a picture of himself with his white belt on. Then come back to class and in about 4 or 5 years and he can take another picture with his Black Belt on. Then he noticed my Black Belt and was blown away by it. He had all kinds of questions for me. When he asked how old I was and I told him he said, "WOW, I’m 9 years old too." I just smiled, shook his hand, patted him on the back and told him, you can do it too, just like me.

KGDoug: DeAndre, I knew there was a reason they call you DeMan! LOL! Anything else you would like to say?

DeAndre: Yes, KICKGEN IS THE BOMB!!! : -) And everybody, that’s serious about their Martial Arts should spend some of their free time practicing on the things they have trouble with. The fun part comes in when you practice the things that you’re good at. Remember; practice makes perfect.

KGDoug: Thanks, DeAndre! It's been good talking to you. I will see you around real soon. Keep up the great work. Enjoy your successes for a moment, then keep reaching higher and higher!

How about clicking on over to DeAndre's profile (and his Mom's) and giving them some LOVE!

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug
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