Sideswipe members join the Britney Spear Circus tour!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

members Brendon Huor, Seth Austin and Donald Mills will now join the Britney Spears Circus tour. Matt Mullins was hired to do choreography for a martial arts number and took the team in to help out. After 3 days of seeing them work the tour coordinators asked if the team would be willing to hire on for the entire tour. So with Luke Broadlick already on the tour Sideswipe and Sharkey's Karate now has 4 members touring with Britney. With the Vegas show being pushed back to August this is a perfect opportunity in the interim.

Good job guys!!!!!! You can see the guys in a town near you click the tour link below to see the tour schedule.

You may remember these guys from “America’s Got Talent," season two.
Check out the video from week nine! They were a part of the super talented group: Sideswipe led by Matt Mulllins. Matt Mullins, also star of the kid’s show on the CW, Kamen Rider.

Luke Broadlick a KICKgen member, and 6x US Open ISKA World Champion was the first signed on the Britney Spears Circus Tour from the Sideswipe Group.

Luke has been working hard at rehearsals since January 5th as they get ready to leave for their first stop in New Orleans, LA. on March 3. The tour will take them to 36 concert dates across United States and Canada along with 9 dates in London, England in June. Dates for the rest of the world tour have not been finalized yet.

Luke says “the show is going to be AMAZING and he is so thankful for this huge opportunity to be one of her 12 dancers/8 guys and 4 girls.”

Photo and video courtesy of, Sharkey’s Karate Studio, America’s Got Talent and Tammy Broadlick.