Prize Inside!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Do you remember Cracker Jacks and the little prize that you could always find under all the sticky, caramelized, faux-popcorn, candy-type food product? Oh man, I liked Cracker Jacks...but the prize...oh the prize inside! I was known to dump entire boxes of the "Jacks" just to get to the prize.

Cereal boxes too! The cavity-inducing kid's cereals were always popular because of what they said you could get inside the box, under all the sugary-sweet marshmallows, shapes, and things that were supposed to look like animals. And those kiddie meals you get at the fast-food joints...yep, prizes, games, toys, action figures, movie tie-ins, cd's, oh my! One of these days I am going to get a kiddie meal and it will contain an Xbox or something...yeah, right!

As a kid, my toy box was filled with these little toys and prizes. I thought they no longer did that kind of stuff, then I looked inside my nephews toy boxes one day guessed it...prizes were definitely inside!

Those were the simple days. Now, it's game console boxes...if you can't get the "prize" game inside the game system box - FORGET IT!

People have learned to value "what's on the inside." As martial artists, we should be very aware of this.

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Unknown

In the martial arts (and in every other part of life), it truly is what is on the inside that counts. We all have things in our past we are not the most proud of. We all dream of a future better than our past. But unless you are living RIGHT NOW and realize that cultivating "the inside" in this moment is what's most important, you may have trouble overcoming any problems of the past, and you certainly won't be present when the future arrives.

I would like to encourage you today to dig deep. Look inside your heart and mind...and see what you find. Is your character what it should be? Are you living according to a strong set of values? Are there areas inside that need "shaping up"?

Take some time and work on the "inner person". That inner self is the most powerful thing you've got going for you. Just as it can build you up and encourage you, it can also bring you down and discourage you if you aren't careful. It takes a daily check to keep this inner person heading in the right direction.

So, whether you are on the mat, in between classes, at work, or at play...make sure you are continually aware of what's going on inside your heart and mind.

Do this, and you will find the real "Prize Inside!"

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug

OK, Folks...Here's Your Chance!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I would like your opinion. It matters a whole bunch to me...

Simply, I would like to know what you are getting the most out of through my writings here at Each day I post an inspirational blog or news post for you to enjoy, and it would be nice to hear from you about which ones you like the best...and what you might like to read about in the future.

Here's how it works...

I am going to list the main themes I am writing about and they will be numbered. If you enjoy #1 on the list, drop a comment or shoot me an email or something and just type #1. If you like #1 and say, #3, then send those to me. Simple. Of course, I would enjoy further feedback if you have it, but simple is fine if it's all you have time for right now. send me at least one idea of something you would like to read about, learn about, or ponder in reference to the Martial Arts. I am formulating some new ideas for the future, but don't want to waste any time if you have an amazing idea that the whole community would benefit from.

OK, Folks...Here's Your Chance! The list...

#1 - Inspirational Martial Arts oriented Blogs (pretty much what is going out most of the time).

#2 - Friday Reflection (Friday's inspiration kinda kicks it up a notch and gives you something to think about over the weekend or even work on in your life or art).

#3 - Member Inspiration (the posts where you get to learn about individuals who help make up this online community).

#4 - The Language of The Arts (this is New and focuses on the words and phrases we use from various languages in our daily and weekly training...going deeper "behind the scenes" of the language we use).

#5 - News bits about what is happening at and other places related to Martial Arts.

Now, go ahead...send in your numbers (kinda feel like we are voting on American Idol or something :)

In addition, send your ideas...

Hmmm...I'm going to go out on a limb here...

I think for the most creative AND beneficial idea that comes in...A PRIZE! I am going to talk with the bosses and see what kind of prize we can come up with. (Chances are they laugh at me hysterically and tell me to come up with my own prize!) No worries if they do, I will come up with may not be HUGE, but you will enjoy. So, send in your ideas!

I look forward to hearing from you...

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug

P.S. - Have you linked up your twitter stuff in your profile? Get on that, it is soooo much fun!

P.P.S. - Contest ends this Friday.

The Language of the Arts: "Osu!"

Monday, April 27, 2009

As we all know, the Martial Arts have a language all to their own. Whether Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Brazilian, or otherwise...sometimes the things we say hold a lot of meaning. I have learned that students of the arts don't always know the meaning behind the words or phrases they use. Of course, there can be a thousand interpretations of a single meaning, but for the most part, we can glean a good deal of inspiration, motivation, knowledge, and instruction from the simple translation of some of our words and phrases.

Our word or phrase today is "Osu".

The literal translation of the word "Osu" can be built from an understanding of the two Chinese symbols "Osae" and "Shinobu", from which "Osu" is derived and is used in traditional Japanese Martial Arts. "Osae" (o) means "to press" or "to push" and symbolizes giving 100% effort in everything we do. "Shinobu" (su) means "steady", "steady spirit", or "to endure". The two symbols combined create the word "Osu" which then can be translated "to push forward or persevere while giving 100% effort, even in the most difficult circumstances". In a sense, when someone uses it in a training hall or while practicing the arts, it can mean that the person is willing to give everything they have, and be completely present, whether they feel like it or not...sort of a pledge to endure to the utmost limits.

Often it is used as a replacement for "hello" or "goodbye" or "I understand" as well. Regardless, it is a word with great meaning behind it, showing great respect and full commitment by the user.

Just for kicks (pun definitely intended!)...another definition of "Osu" is "patience with myself and with others" denoting that advancement in the arts, or in life period, has to do with much more than just physical strength or the prowess of skill. It requires an inner maturity and development that can only be obtained through the strictest of discipline.

Perhaps you have a similar word in another language that is used in your training. Whatever it is though, realize it holds a lot of weight and shouldn't be used lightly, as with any training language.

So to you I say, "Osu!" and with this I say "Push forward with a steady spirit, and have patience both with yourself and those around you, and give everything you have when training or in life...leave nothing to question...and endure even the most trying of circumstances with a positive and resourceful attitude, and you will be the better, the stronger, and the wiser person for it!"

Wow! A lot CAN be said in a very little word.

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug Featured Events

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Gator NationalsMay 15 - May 16
Promoter: Charlie Lane
Phone: 407.701.7030
Daytona Beach Ocean Center
Email: register for this event

New England Open
May 29 - May 30
Promoter: Joe Greenhalgh
Phone: 401-729-9779
Marlborough, MA
Email: info@newenglandopen.com register for this event

AKA Grand Nationals/ Bluegrass Nationals
Jun 11 - Jun 13
Promoter: John Sharkey
The Galt House Hotel
Louisville, KY

U.S. Open World Martial Arts Championships
July 03 - 04
Promoter: Mike Sawyer and Mike McCoy
Phone: (352) 331-0260 or (352) 331-3557
Disney's Coronado Springs Resort - Orlando
Email:mailto:%20help@usopen-karate.com register for this event

Battle Of Atlanta XLII
July 24 - 25
Promoter: Joe Corley
Atlanta, GA
Phone (404)502-3777
Email: mailto:joecorley@battleofatlanta.comwww.battleofatlanta.com

If you're a competitor, bookmark this page to find the best martial arts events world wide: KICKgen Events. We encourage all of you to support the martial arts and keep competiting!

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Slammed Through The Door...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

So...I was sitting down to write this great, inspirational post for on this wonderful Friday evening and then all of the sudden...

With a loud yell that would rival any tournament champion, my son slammed through the door...

"WHAT IN THE WORLD!?" I thought. Then I saw it in his eyes...

He slammed through my door, and yelled, then ran over to me, looked up at me and said..."Peeez!"

In case you aren't privy to the exhaustive vocabulary of infants, "Peeez" means "Please..." and it could be a request for anything under the sun. Anything beyond the "Please..." you are to figure out on your own.

Tonight, I knew exactly what he was asking for. He was asking for...Me.

He wanted his Daddy.

At that moment, I knew this post needed to be quick, and then it hit me...

You probably have someone you need to spend time with as well. A son, a daughter, father, mother, grandkid, little brother, older sister...this is the part you have to figure out. Who needs you this weekend?

I know, I know. You are a super busy, in demand martial artist, or housewife, or Dad the "fix it man", or video game aficionado, or some other Super Hero that is destined to save the world in the next 48 hours.


I've got news for probably aren't going to save the world in the next couple of days. And if you could, why didn't you do it last week? Where you are really needed right now, this weekend, is in someone's life that would absolutely love to have your undivided attention for just a while.

So, go figure out who you need to spend some quality time with, and surprise them with...YOU!

I've already figured out who I need to spend time with. He's sitting right here saying "Peeez!"

So, I'll see you later. After all, if we can't give ourselves to those who really love us and need us, we don't have any business giving ourselves to anyone or anything else.

O.k., so...

Why are you still reading this...?

Have An Extraordinary Weekend!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug

P.S. - Monday's post will be about "OSU!" Anyone know what that means? Member Inspiration: Dr. Eric Gardere

Friday, April 24, 2009

Each week I take a trip around the landscape and look for inspirational happenings in our community. I am consistently "WOW-ed" with the amazing people here at and all that you are accomplishing in your Martial Arts and Life! Each week I am trying to bring you a little piece of that "WOW" factor through individual members just like our guest today: Dr. Eric Gardere.

Name: Dr. Eric Gardere (username: Mastereric74)
Rank: Master Level (38 years Kung fu; 10 years Kenpo Karate)
Style: Twin Tigers Kung Fu (Founder, Creator)
School: Twin Tigers Kung Fu
Point of Inspiration: Dr. Eric Gardere has been involved in the Martial Arts for over 47 years. He is a 9-time World Champion, and a 16-time National Champion. He was recently inducted into the Bushido Martial Arts Hall Of Fame, and into the World Chinese Martial Arts Federation Hall Of Fame. Dr. Gardere also received the Life Time Achievment Award for the Martial Arts and was added to the International Kung Fu (IKF) list of International Masters. He is the founder & creater of the Twin Tigers Kung Fu System.

Note: My full interview with Dr. Gardere is much longer than what space allows for here. Dr. Gardere has much to say concerning life and the Martial Arts, and I would encourage you to hear what he has to say and join in conversation with him. I personally enjoyed all he shared with me (about movies, in-depth training with Master Bruce Lee and other Masters of his arts, and many of his tournament accomplishments over the years) and I am sure you will enjoy getting to know him better as a member. He uses his Personal Blog, and other features of to communicate at Mastereric74. Be sure to drop by and pay him a visit.

KGDoug: Dr. Gardere, would you mind sharing with us some of the highlights of your background and accomplishments as a Martial Artist over the past 47 years?

Dr. Gardere: Working out with Master Bruce Lee when I was a kid was probably one of the most exciting times that I can remember. However working with my daughter to perfect the Twin Tigers System was very enjoyable, as it gave me a chance to work with my daughter on a project that took years for us to perfect. Whenever I came up with a new form, grab art, or rotation, I would use her as the “dummy” to practice on. We had some good times and bad trying to get things right, but through it all, it made us closer.

I also remember when I worked on the martial arts film SiFu, I had twelve of my students in the film along with my oldest son and my daughter. The film was shot in San Francisco, and the star of the film was Master Zong Lao. It was something that I had never experienced before seeing how this was my first film to work on. Master Lao let me choreograph the fight scenes that my students would be doing in the movie along with a few of the other fighters. This was a long and hard process. We would show up on the set at 6:00pm, get our make up on and shoot until 4:00, sometimes 5:00, in the morning, and then have to be back that evening to start all over again. This was a little harder on my students and me because we live 2 hours away from San Francisco. We would have to leave here around 4:00pm to be there by 6:00pm, and then we would not get home until 7:00 or 8:00am the next morning.

Was it worth it? YES, by all means. Doing this film gave me an opportunity to work with both of my kids on the film, something that we will always have. In the movie I was a good guy and my son was a bad guy and we had to fight each other in the film. Pretty cool huh???

After doing the film I have to say that I was sore for about two weeks. Let it be said that I have a great respect for actors because I could not do this on a daily basis. Doing the film opened the door for me to start my body guard service for rap artists, country singers, sports celebs, etc.

KGDoug: WOW! That is impressive and exciting, and I’m sure that’s only a small piece of a bigger picture. What, in your opinion, is a way we can honor the traditions of the past in the midst of all that is modern and "new" in Martial Arts today?

Dr. Gardere: I think that we need to remember where the martial arts began, and how they began. In the past Masters did not teach there students for profit, they taught for the love of the martial arts, to pass on the knowledge that they had to others, and to help one person change their life. This is what we need to remember now.

KGDoug: When you are teaching students, what is the number one thing you would say to them that is the difference between being an average Martial Artist and excelling in their art and life?

Dr. Gardere: I do not try to sugar-coat anything with my students. When they come into my studio I tell them straight out, “The martial arts are not just something that you do. It is not a way to get in shape, there is a health spa down the street for that. I am not here to be your baby-sitter, if you are here for any of these reasons then you can leave out the door now. This is a life-time commitment, and if you are not ready to make that commitment then you should not be here. If you are not willing to put in the time or the effort to be the best you can possibly be – there is the door. I can teach you in here, but if you are not ready to go home once you leave from here and practice, don't waste my time. I will teach you as fast as you can learn, I will push you as far as I think you can go, and in the end you will be the best you can be, not only in here but out there on the streets. This does not mean just in the physical part of the martial arts, but I will prepare you for your Life Journey as a martial artist mentally and spiritually.”

KGDoug: That leaves little room for interpretation! You have high expectations, and that is refreshing to hear today. I am sure your students appreciate it the more they train with you. Can you tell us a little about Twin Tigers King Fu and how a member might learn more about your system?

Dr. Gardere: The Twin Tigers System consists of 6 styles of Kung Fu: White Crane, Tai Mantis, Wing Chun, Dragon, Tiger & Snake. My system teaches one how to react off of reaction, not to think about what you are going to do, but to relax and react. My system uses all 6 forms in everything we do, so when you learn it is not like you are learning all Wing Chun, or White Crane, or any of the other forms, but all of them combined together.

KGDoug: As a note to our readers…Dr. Gardere has invited you to contact him to learn more about Twin Tigers Kung Fu and his philosophy of the martial arts. I would very much encourage you, if you are interested, to contact him through his profile page here on username: Mastereric74

How much practice do you still put in each day or week in the Martial Arts?

Dr. Gardere: As of now I put in at least 4 hrs a day of physical practice here in my home. I have two total gyms, a stretching machine, a stem unit (to contract the muscles), three Wave-Masters for kicking & punching, a wooden dummy, and my floor is fully matted. This is where I also train my kids and where they work out. I am retired from competing in tournaments due to 29 surgeries on my right knee, however I still do get on the mat with my students and I get excited when ever they get up the nerve to fight me. I have to say in all honesty, I may be 54 years old right now but I still have great speed and power. My career is not even close to being over, I still have so much more to pass on to my students.

KGDoug: And I am sure they are looking to gain much more insight from you. Is there anyone you would like to recognize who has helped you to become who you are as a Martial Artist today...instructor(s), mentors, family?

Dr. Gardere: The people that I would like to thank for the success of my career and who supported me for all of these years would be first, My Lord and Master Jesus Christ. My wife, Tina. She has put up with a whole lot from me. More then she should ever of had to. I would like to thank my daughter, Tiffany (who is now the Women’s Light-weight World Champion in sparring) for helping me to create a great part of the Twin Tigers system. My two sons, Tim & SeJen for giving up sports to compete with me, and to my oldest son Eric Jr. for never giving up when I pushed him so hard (he is now one of the top martial artists around). And I would like to acknowledge Master Bruce Lee for his inspiration in my life. Also, Grand Master Byong Yu, Master Harry Mok, Grand Master Lily Lou, Master Zong Lao, and Master Hei Long for their never-ending friendship. And a very special thanks to my MOM, who raised us on her own and taught me to be strong, never give up, and to be at peace with myself always. I thank you for giving me this opportunity, sir, to be able to share some things with others that truly mean a lot to me.

KGDoug: Thank you, Dr. Gardere. It has been my pleasure.

And to all of you wonderful friends out there...

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug

P.S. - Your comments and feedback are thoroughly enjoyed! :)

Don't Judge A Book By Its...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Here's something that many people don't realize...

Well, hang on, first of all let me say that what I am going to share with you today is another key to really excelling in Life...really living life as a Champion. Whether it is in Martial Arts, Family, or in other passions and pursuits you are driving toward, each of us has something on the inside that wants to break out and really succeed, to accomplish, to live life to the fullest in every way.

Here's a key...



That's right, there is much more to you than meets the eye. (Sounds simple, doesn't it? Then why do so many people miss this?) This is why you can't "judge a book by its cover" so to speak. The "cover" gives us SOME insight, but it doesn't tell the whole picture.

Beyond the physical, we have our "mental" layer, and our "spiritual" layer. Ever hear the term, "Mind, Body, and Spirit"? There's something to that. There are even separate layers to each of these main layers. For example: the body is not just the outside you see, but also internal organs, blood, lymph system, nervous system, bones, etc. Likewise, the mind is not simply "one-sided" either, there are both conscious and sub-concious minds in the mix. We could talk all day about the different layers of each part of us, but I want to give you something a little more practical to walk away with today.

How do you take care of each of these "parts"? This is where the BIG key comes in when learning how to "go the distance" in anything in life.

Each day you must take care to nurture and cultivate each "part" of you. Here are a few ways (there are so many!) to help you...

Part of You: Mind
Strategy to nurture: Read. Pick up a book and start reading. At first read deeply and widely, then learn to narrow your reading each month to things that are really significant to helping you grow. I read on four main topics each month, and I keep an ongoing reading list of books I want to pick up in the future. I have developed a system of reading. I need that. I won't be faithful to expanding my mind through reading if I don't have a plan.
Bonus Strategy: Imagine! That's right...take some time to imagine...dream BIG...think about all the things you would like to accomplish and imagine yourself doing those things. You will be amazed at how this nurtures the mind!

Part of You: Body
Strategy to nurture: Exercise. Well, duh! That one is easy...I think. Mix up your exercise routine and make it fun. Do more exercise outside in the sun...or the rain (trust me it's a blast...just don't do it when lightning is striking!)
Bonus Strategy: Take a refreshing salt bath or get a full 8 hours of sleep (your eyes will thank me!)

Part of You: Spirit
Strategy to nurture: Pray. Studies show that when people pray, they are significantly more relaxed and are usually healthier than those that don't.
Bonus Strategy: Forgive someone. We all have people in our lives we have grudges against, or harbor some hurt from...write them a letter (you don't even have to send it) and forgive that person. You could talk with them if you feel you can. Regardless, let go of the hurt, forgive and move on!

Like I said earlier, each day you MUST take care of "ALL" of you. Do a little bit each day. Take care of the "parts", and you will understand what it feels like to be "whole".

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug Featured Athlete: Kyle Montagna and Upcoming Live Streaming Events

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Kyle Montagna is sixteen years old from Sunrise, Florida. He’s been training in Tae Kwon Do under Mr. Tony Braun at Evolution Martial Arts for nearly ten years. Since he began his Martial Arts training Kyle has attained the rank of 1st Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, 1st degree Black Belt in Hapkido and is a certified Black Belt under the Kukkiwon. Kyle is a well-rounded martial artist with talents in jiu-jitsu and recently extreme martial arts but his forte has definitely propelled him in the field of Sport Karate competition.
Read more..........


KICKgen LIVE streaming events coming up:

  • May 16th Gator Nationals, night time show
  • May 30th New England Open, night time show
  • July 3rd & 4th The US Open, Friday night Tricking Competition and Saturday Night of Champions. will be on site filming and streaming live in conjunction with Black and Blue Video and Stay tuned to for more info about these exciting and power-packed events!

Black and Blue video is an excellent place to purchase competition dvds and is an excellent place to view competition video. To watch these events, go to the KICKgen homepage and click play. While the show is running live, you can use the chat tool to talk with other members who are watching online with you. is family friendly, kid-safe Social Networking site programmed for martial artists ages 6 to 30.
To learn more about how KICKgen provides solutions for martial arts schools go to:

Ancient Teaching Method...In 20 Words!

Monday, April 20, 2009

There is an ancient teaching method that is still, in my opinion, one of the most effective methods of transferring knowledge and wisdom and physical skill to others. I can sum it up in 20 words...

(Oh, and about the on and you will understand. Trust me...)

20 words...

I Do, You Watch
I Do, You Do
You Do, I Do
You Do, I Watch
You Do, You Teach

Sound simple, right? Simple...Yes. Easy...No.

As with any true teaching, this takes time, effort, and an overcoming of significant obstacles. For thousands of years, though, this method has been used by many great and wise teachers to pass on their legacy through others. Depending on which group of people, or which nation of people, you are speaking of, this method of teaching is known as Discipleship, Mentorship, Apprenticeship, Parenting, Mastery, or Coaching (you may know of some other terms). Each of these methods hold their own unique values in terms of what they offer, but the core is the same.

Let's go deeper on this one...

Line 1: "I Do, You Watch"
The teacher is visually (or audibly, or kinesthetically) sharing what the student is to learn.

Line 2: "I Do, You Do"
The teacher is inviting the student to participate in the learning/instruction process in order to receive transference more personally, through supervised practice. The primary instruction and responsibility here remains with the Teacher.

Line 3: "You Do, I Do"
The roles begin to reverse slightly here. The teacher gives greater responsibility to the student, yet the student is still learning deeply from the teacher. This is when the student really begins to take on the "spirit" or the essence of the teacher and what he is offering. Instead of a "stand back and watch" approach, teaching becomes more of "let's walk through this together" approach.

Line 4: "You Do, I Watch"
The teacher says, "You know this. Now teach me. If you can teach this back to me, I believe you've got it!" Huge responsibility and accountability here on the part of the student. Huge amount of trust on the part of the teacher.

Final Line: "You Do, You Teach"
The teacher releases the student symbolically. The teacher in his own unique way communicates to the student that he or she has now achieved a level of Mastery with the subject matter. In the same breath, it is understood the student has really only just begun his journey to a lifelong pursuit of Mastery (just like when you receive your Black Belt, you realize just how little you actually know and how much more there is to learn). Here, though, the student becomes the teacher and is given the greatest responsibility in that he is now empowered and commissioned to transfer to others. There is no higher calling!

Depending on what you are teaching (or learning) this can take minutes, or years! If I want to teach you how to balance a spoon on the end of your nose...probably minutes (which I can do by the way!). If I want to teach you how to be a leader of people...probably years, due to the responsibility of influence over people and resources. Either way, the journey of learning/teaching/learning/mastering is a wonderful one, and it is never too late to begin this journey!

It's like someone once said, "It's not the destination. It's the journey that counts."

Think about someone who is a teacher to you today. Now go to that person or call that person and thank them for their time, energy, and all the resources they spend on pouring into your life. They deserve it!

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug

In Memory Of...YOU!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Today I would like us to attend a Memorial Service in honor of you. "WHAT!?!?! But I'm still here," you say. And of course you are, which is the PERFECT time to attend this service...waaaaay before it ever happens.

Now, before you think I'm getting all morbid on you, or before you think I've all but lost it...follow me for a just a minute.

Imagine being at a Memorial Service in your honor. The thing I really want to focus on today (and during some reflection over the weekend) is what it is you would WANT someone to say about you at a memorial service.

How would you like to be remembered? What legacy are you leaving behind in the trails you are blazing?

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." -Anonymous

The actions you take and the words you speak on a day-to-day basis are what people will remember you by. (All of these actions and words added up over the years is called your Life.) Your actions and words are born from your VALUES. Your values are sort of like invisible little guides that help you make the right choices and form your thinking, and as a result influence your actions and words. If you know what your values are, you will live congruently with them and you will experience a great deal of peace and success. If you don't know what your values are, your life will seem like it is all over the place, and you will experience indecision, increased negative stress, and a life seemingly out of balance.

Everyday each of us will experience circumstances that test our character, patience, and our peace of mind. Are your values clearly defined? If so, you will pass these daily tests. If get the picture.

So, I will give you a short example and then make you an offer:

One of my personal values is: Inspiration. I want to live an inspired life. That means I am going to surround myself continually with people and environments that inspire me. But it goes much deeper. I want to live a life of inspiration to others. That means I want to be able to inspire people through my actions and words. That also means I have to walk-the-walk and talk-the-talk. This daily writing through is one way I try to inspire people in my life. My hope is that somewhere along the way, you are inspired by these written words and that you can find a way to use them in positive ways in your own life and martial arts training. An example of another value I live by is Integrity (they don't all begin with "I")...and you can imagine what a value like this means to a person. Another is Family (this is definitely one of my TOP values).

Most people should choose 7-10 Values at most and then align your life with those values.

Here's my offer (this is for members ONLY, by the way, as I normally reserve this type of thing to people that I am coaching personally). If you are interested, I would like to send you a list of values and a worksheet to help you identify values and apply them to your life. I thought about posting it on, but I would rather send it to you if you REALLY want it, and so I am going to ask you to make a request on this offer in order to get this "Values Identification List and Worksheet". Again, only for members...just one of the many VERY COOL benefits of being a member of this community.

You can message me at my profile or email me at and I will send you this fun little Life Development exercise. do you want to be remembered? Identify your values and live your life according to those values, and I guarantee that when the day comes that someone has to talk about your life and your impact on will be exactly what you would want them to say!

Until then...

Have An Extraordinary Weekend!
Doug McGannon
Kicken username: KGDoug

P.S. - Don't forget to message me or email me ( if you would like to receive the "Values Identification List and Worksheet" and begin defining your influence in this world. Member Inspiration: Tammy Gillette

Thursday, April 16, 2009

As a regular installment of this section of, I would like to introduce members of the community and highlight accomplishments, endeavors, and other inspirational events and activities. My intent here is to tap into some of the excitement going on in YOUR lives and share it with the rest of our community, so that we can celebrate together and cheer each other on.

Here is what I am asking of you in return: Post encouraging comments or thoughts, Add featured individuals as your friends (if you haven't already), and Use what is presented here to inspire you to become the very best you can be!

As I talk with more of you through, I am convinced you are living extraordinary lives through your Martial Arts! This is an opportunity to build community through the amazing happenings taking place in your lives. I really have no limits as to what type of inspiration I am searching for...perhaps you have just earned your Yellow Belt, or competed well in a tournament, or you participated in a dynamic event to benefit someone in need in your hometown, or like today's inspirational member...we have an opportunity to share in the recent accomplishments of Tammy Gillette.

Name: Tammy Gillette (username: tammyglltt)
Rank: Temporary 1st Degree Brown Belt
Style: Tae Kwon Do (TKD)
School: Columbus Junction Presbyterian TKD School, Mr. Stan Tate Head Instructor
Point of Inspiration: Tammy was recently promoted to Temporary 1st Degree Brown Belt rank and competed at the 2nd Annual Metamora Martial Arts Tournament in Metamora, IL. She placed 2nd in Women's Sparring, 2nd in Weapons Forms, 3rd in Women's Forms, and 3rd in Board Breaking.

KGDoug: So, Tammy, you recently competed in the 2nd Annual Metamora Martial Arts Tournament on April 4th and did very well. As well, on April 13th you were promoted to Temporary 1st degree Brown Belt. Congratulations, you have been very busy with your training lately. What did you do to prepare for this tournament and what is your opinion about how a Martial Artist should train for events like this?

Tammy: I prepared for the tournament by practicing forms over and over. I also practice stepping into stances. I weight train on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and with 30 minutes of cardio (elliptical machine) on the other days. Next, I practice all my forms and pay special attention to the form I will compete with (plus I have a back up if I need one). I believe practicing is what helps. Plus, videotaping also gives you insights as to how you may be doing.

KGDoug: As with anything, repetition is key. It sounds like you put in a lot of time and it is showing with your recent high placements at the tournament and with your promotion. What are some of your accomplishments you are most proud of as a Martial Artist?

Tammy: I was extremely happy when I broke 2 boards with an ax kick for the first time (since I seem to have problems breaking at times).

KGDoug: What accomplishments you are most proud of in other areas of your life?

Tammy: I was very relieved when I earned a Master of Arts degree at Western Illinois University.

KGDoug: Wow! That is no easy feat. Again, congratulations. Completing studies at that level in your education and in your Martial Arts is certainly an inspiration for the rest of us. It is one more example of how we can accomplish anything if we put our mind to it and do what is necessary to reach our goals. What are you working toward next in your training?

Tammy: I'm currently preparing for the TKD tournament in Bettendorf, IA on April 18th, and a Karate tournament in Moline, IL on April 25th. Then, I will concentrate on what I need for the rank of 1st Degree Brown Belt.

KGDoug: Definitely keep us posted. Is there anyone you would like to recognize who is, or has been, a positive influence in your life and training? Any words of encouragement you could give members?

Tammy: I look up to my parents (my dad had a bad heart attack in 1994, but he didn't give up - he is walking and talking now and has some brain damage, but you can't tell it). My Mom was there for Dad and kept encouraging me to do my best. I also look up to Mr. Stan Tate, Mr. Rob Tate, and Mr. Dennis Shepard since they have pushed me to do my best.

The encouragement that I would give members is perseverance. That means never give up. Always set goals to achieve.

KGDoug: Good words, Tammy, and thank you for sharing your accomplishments and goals with us. I join the members of and applaud you for your hard work, dedication, and the inspiration you provide to all of us to keep going and never give up.

Give Tammy some "Never Give Up" encouragement by leaving a comment here or visiting her profile at tammyglltt.

Be Inspired and,

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug

Part 2: "Quick, Hide The Comics!"...(And Other Truths)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A few days ago, I began a blog post with the following:

Someone once told me, "Show me who you are hanging out with and tell me what you are reading, and I can tell you what your life will look like in the next year." (I thought to myself..."Quick. Hide the comic books!")

This person is a mentor to me in the area of Leadership Development, and I learned this from him: Two things that can determine who you are becoming in the near future are:

1. Who your friends are, and;
2. What you are putting in your head.

For just a moment, let's look at #2:

What are you putting in your head? What are you reading? What are you listening to? Better yet, WHO are you listening to?

I believe that what you are allowing "in" is creating who you "are".

It may happen slowly without you even realizing it, but it is happening. This is why it is so important to be aware of what and who is influencing you on a daily basis. You must develop an awareness of all the things that are coming your way each day and learn to filter those things. Some things you let "in", but most of it you keep "out". It's kinda like Mental Self-defense. Being aware is the first step to defense, and learning how to block, avoid, or otherwise filter is the second step. The third step is practice.

Just like in physical self-defense, you must practice mental self-defense daily so that it becomes natural to you. There are over 3,000 messages a day from T.V., friends, family, movies, games, books, magazines, school, teachers, and so on, trying to influence you. That's somewhere around 21,000 messages a week that are trying to get "in". No wonder people are so stressed out!

You better believe we all need to practice mental self-defense every day!!!

A sports psychologist once told me the biggest difference between superstar athletes and those who struggle to "make it" is that superstars have learned to filter out over 90% of the "junk" that is coming at them each day. He said that less than 10% of what people took "in" each day was actually needed or beneficial to them. WOW!

So...have you practiced your self-defense today? Physical AND Mental? Just like the physical, the mental takes toughness, determiniation, consistency, and discipline...but it is worth it!

Oh, and by the can't do this alone.
Find a qualified coach, talk to your instructor, ask your parents for help...find someone who is trustworthy and can be honest with you, and ask them to be a part of your "mental self-defense" team and keep you accountable.

Here's to your mental well-being...

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon
Kickgen username: KGDoug

P.S. - Just like my mentor taught me...what you are reading is a key to who you are becoming. Are you reading to encourage, strengthen, develop, learn, grow...? Are you reading at all? Check your reading habits. "Readers are leaders, and leaders are readers."

P.P.S. - If you aren't reading, start with one book and go from there (and don't worry about how long it takes to get through it, just do it.) If you do read a little or a lot, think about creating a reading plan. Pick subjects (martial arts development, leadership development, business strategy, inspiration, finances, relationships, etc.) and layout a plan to read something from each category you choose over the next couple of months. Mix it up, have fun with it!

"Uh, Oh!"

Monday, April 13, 2009

My youngest son (Nathaniel) is almost two-years old, and he is one of the most adventurous babies I have seen. He loves to explore, take BIG chances, and take everything apart that he can get his hands on. He loves to run fast and play hard and truly embraces the "life with no limits" mentality of a little guy! Some of you may be thinking, "Well, that is just the way it is with every little one." True. But now multiply that by FIFTY, and you will be in the ballpark!

I love it, though. You see, he is not a bad kid, and he really isn't pushing any more of the so-called "buttons" that most any other kid pushes. He simply has a kicked-up level of passion about life...even as a little guy. There is one thing, though, that comes with living life "at full throttle" that we should all keep in mind - no matter what age we are:

It is the fact that the more you and I seek to excel, live life passionately, go "all-out", experience life to the fullest (or however else you might want to phrase this)...the more mistakes we will make along the way.

Yep. The "M" word: "Mistake". Mess up. Boo Boo. Oopsy. "Oh My!" Goof up. "I can't believe I just did that...", or Nathaniel's favorite line as of late..."UH, OH!" And he always seems to be smiling when he says it...I wonder if that is on purpose? :)

If you want to know a secret for getting the most out of life (and Martial Arts), keep reading...

I have heard it said the only two things for certain in life are Death and Taxes. (Sorry for bringing up taxes this week...) I disagree, though, because you and I are guaranteed (110%) at some point in our lives (most likely many points) to make MISTAKES!

The difference between people is not whether or not they make mistakes, rather what they do with them when they make them. Relationship mistakes. School mistakes. Job mistakes. Financial mistakes. Training mistakes...regardless of what kind, we all make them and we all have a choice of what to do with them.

I will give you a secret that is the difference between most Champions and those who are not living to their full potential. When the "average" person makes a mistake they get upset, listen to the little negative voice in their heads telling them they are "no good and just give up", stay discouraged, and otherwise remain stuck in a "ho-hum" existence.

The Champion, on the other hand, makes up his mind to overcome the mistake, to learn and grow from her experience, to pull himself up out of discouragement and accept that mistakes DO happen, and that mistakes can be the building blocks to HUGE successes, the learning curve to HIGHER education, and the experiences we need to truly EXCEL and live a MOTIVATED life.

Are you a Champion or the "average" person? Are you living life at full-throttle or just "ho-hum"? Will your next mistake catapult you to new heights or will you allow it to keep you down?

You have a choice, and I suspect that if you are reading this you are most likely on the "Champion" side of life. So...

Go ahead. Choose life at "full-throttle". Choose BIG chances. Choose to run fast, play hard, and embrace Life! Yes, you will make mistakes, and that's O.K. Use them as fuel to keep you going instead of water to put out your fire.

In the meantime...

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon
Kickgen username: KGDoug

P.S. - I will give you another quick secret about making the most out of your mistakes: Laugh it up! That's right. Don't take yourself so seriously. Learn to smile and laugh a little at your mistakes and it makes it easier to learn from them, overcome them, and move forward a little faster. You can always do what Nathaniel does: Just look up, smile and say "Uh, Oh!" Trust me, it works. Go ahead, smile...I dare you!

Quick, Hide The Comics! (And Other Truths...)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Someone once told me, "Show me who you are hanging out with and tell me what you are reading, and I can tell you what your life will look like in the next year." (I thought to myself..."Quick. Hide the comic books!")

This person is a mentor to me in the area of Leadership Development, and I learned this from him: Two things that can determine who you are becoming in the near future are:

1. Who your friends are, and;
2. What you are putting in your head.

It's Friday, so it's time for a little weekend reflection and perhaps some thoughts (and if necessary, some action) toward change. Let's talk about #1. Here's a true story for you...

I was talking to a friend this morning whose teenage daughter was dating a guy that has a habit of smoking pot and stealing. His friends also have some pretty ugly habits. So, some of the closest people to her are people who engage in some shady activities, and guess what...? This week, the boyfriend was arrested for illegal activity and some other friends were tracked down by police and arrested due to their involvement, and the girl received several threats against her by some very unruly individuals who the police tracked through her emails, and they, too, ended up arrested and in jail. Not to mention, her parents lost a couple of days of work and a couple of nights of sleep this week, and the whole family is upset and will spend several days trying to get their lives back together. Then there will be court dates, more police work, and probably cost a bit of money just trying to get everything sorted out. The couple had been dating for about a year.

The short of it all: after a year of dating, the results were...Jail, threats, more jail, a lot of crying, physical threats, fear, financial and physical stress, broken heart...and did I mention crying? All because of a choice in friends. WOW!

Take a look around you. What is the character of the two or three people closest to you? What are their habits? Are they positive people, or do they regularly speak and act negatively? Given a choice in a difficult situation, would they seek to do what is right, or would they choose the "easy way out", or even what is wrong?

What influences us doesn't always just happen overnight. Most of the time, things are building up in our lives without us even realizing it, until one day we wake up and "WHACK!" the results of our habits (and most of the time, our friend's habits) begins to catch up to us.

You can relate to this as a Martial Artist in a good way. You start out as a white practice do your very best week in and week develop habits through your practice, and next thing you know, you are a yellow belt...or a blue belt...or a red belt, or...yep, that's right - you find yourself testing for your Black Belt!

That didn't happen overnight, and it took the development of habits. Guess what else? You didn't do it alone! It took a team of people around you to help you get there.

So, whether it's in the dojo or in life...whose influencing you? Are they bringing you down or raising you up? Are they helping produce strong habits, or are they making questionable decisions? If you could look at the three people closest to you, would you want to be like them in a year? The reality is you may already "BE" who you are hanging out with. Are you satisfied with that?

There is always room to grow, and to become stronger, and develop better habits. My question to you is, "Who do you want to become, and what, or WHO, will it take to get there?"

Just think about it...and in the meantime,

Have An Extraordinary Weekend!
Doug McGannon

Kickgen username: KGDoug

Where Do You Think This Is Going...?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I need your opinion...

Over the past several years, I have personally witnessed major shifts in the world of Martial Arts: the explosion and regulation of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)...the heightened promotion of more "practical" self-defense, not just as an "addition" to "traditional" Martial Arts, but as completely new systems altogether. (By the way, when did the straight middle punch become non-practical? I've always thought it was a fairly practical technique.)

There also seems to be more access to extreme styles that utilize high-level acrobatics, demanding stunts, and near "super-human" feats. As well, it is surprisingly common to see the Martial Arts choreographed into movies and T.V. shows, in stage productions, and in advertising and marketing. In fact, to watch any type of media without the influence of Martial Arts is, well...strange. The arts are also being used as springboards to nutrition counseling, natural health therapies, and various types of coaching (from cross-training in other sports to business model coaching). I also see the arts actively taking center-stage on humanitarian and outreach-related concerns.

Oh, and let's not forget the WWW. Access to the Martial Arts through sites just like shaping the landscape for generations to come.

This is where you come in...

In a positive way and with consideration, I would like to know your thoughts about the future of Martial Arts.

Where is the world of Martial Arts headed? What will it all look like in another 10 years? Will the "traditional" retain its influence? Will the "new stuff" wear off? What effect will the media have on Martial Arts, or better yet, how will the Martial Arts affect media?

As a "future thinker", I am most interested in what you think the world of Martial Arts will look like in the not-too-distant future. I am also interested in your opinion about what our roles and responsibilities, as Martial Artists, will be in shaping that future.

I realize I may be opening the proverbial "can" here, but I just can't help but think that this amazing community of people has something significant to say about the future of what we all love so dearly.

So...hold on just a moment...

O.K., I'm ready (I had to put my headgear on)...give it your best shot. Post your comments and join the conversation about our future.

In the meantime, I am going to practice my left side-kick, while I watch my two-year old perform his double-crescent-high-flippin-over-the-puppy-dog-kick, followed by simultaneously exacting a one-handed cartwheel and completing Bo Kata #23 that he just learned from the Internet last night... :)


Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug

P.S. - Go ahead and post your comments and thoughts, and by the way, I must give credit where credit is due. My son Michael ( username: Wyvern) assisted me in the writing of this post. Click on over and give him a left hook-punch to the, I mean, show him some LOVE!

It Really Is Absurd...But You Can Do Something About It!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"Absurdum est ut alios regat, qui seipsum regere nescit." -Latin Proverb

(Translation: It is absurd that a man should rule others, who cannot rule himself.)

Here is something for you to consider: As a Martial Artist, you are a Leader. You may not be a Black Belt...YET, and you may not be "in front" of people a lot, and you may not be in charge of much right now. You may not even consider yourself a "leader" in the ways most people think of a leader. Or maybe you are some of these things. Either way, think about it...

Martial Artists are traditionally known as people who are willing to endure great sacrifice in order to gain great achievement. Martial artists are seen as people who practice self-discipline, and have a great deal of confidence they can overcome just about anything set in front of them. Martial Artists are considered to be people who pursue extreme levels of physical fitness, high goals of living wisely, and have the ability to influence others with their actions.

Wait...wait...there it is...there's that word...


The reality is that Leadership is Influence, and Influence begins with yourself. Whether you realize it or not, the moment you tell someone that you practice Martial Arts (no matter what style), you become a leader in that person's eyes. You don't even have to say anything. If someone finds out, guess what...that's right...they see you as a leader, as someone who lives life at a different level. When you "step on the mat", you have taken a step that many people only dream about. You've taken one more step than the next person, and that puts you "one step ahead" other are in a position of Influence.

Here's the catch...

Are you able to "influence" yourself to get out there and practice the basics? Can you "influence" yourself to do the hard things, even when everybody else wants to do the easy things? Are you willing to do first what you would ask others to do (or do you just want to order people around)?

In order to lead others, you must lead yourself first. Whether you are training in your style, helping at home, getting work done at school, or wanting a promotion at work...Lead yourself to do whatever must be done, and others will follow naturally (and so will what you are working toward).

So, you may not be giving a speech today, but lead yourself and others will "listen" to your actions. You may not teach a class of thirty students a new self-defense form today, but lead yourself to learn that self-defense form to the best of your ability and others around you will want to follow your "lead" and excel too.

(Oh, and if you ARE leading that class better have taken the time to lead yourself before you step in front of your students. You have a high level of influence, and that is a great responsibility.)

So, friend...train hard, take pride in the fact that you are a Martial Artist, and realize that you are a leader to others around you...but more importantly, you are a leader to YOURSELF first!

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon
Kickgen username: KGDoug Member Inspiration: Mrs. Lindy Woods

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

As a regular installment of this section of, I would like to introduce members of the community and highlight accomplishments, endeavors, and other inspirational events and activities. My intent here is to tap into some of the excitement going on in YOUR lives and share it with the rest of our community, so that we can celebrate together and cheer each other on.

Here is what I am asking of you in return: Post encouraging comments or thoughts, Add featured individuals as your friends (if you haven't already), and Use what is presented here to inspire you to become the very best you can be!

As I talk with more of you through, I am convinced you are living extraordinary lives through your Martial Arts! This is an opportunity to build community through the amazing happenings taking place in your lives. I really have no limits as to what type of inspiration I am searching for...perhaps you have just earned your Yellow Belt, or competed well in a tournament, or you participated in a dynamic event to benefit someone in need in your hometown, or like today's inspirational member...we have an opportunity to share in the excitement Mrs. Lindy Woods (known affectionately by her students as Mrs. Lindy) is experiencing with an upcoming promotion.

So sit up straight and prepare to be inspired through the good news "Mrs. Lindy" recently received from her Grandmaster, Mr. Chuck Norris, and the United Fighting Arts Federation (UFAF).

Name: Mrs. Lindy Woods (username: dunamiskarate)
Rank: 4th Degree Black Belt
Style: Chun Kuk Do (CKD)
School: Dunamis Karate, Ridgeland, SC
Point of Inspiration: Mrs. Lindy Woods was recently notified that she is eligible for promotion to 5th Degree (Masters Rank) Black Belt.

KGDoug: Can you give me details about your upcoming promotion and how it came about?

Mrs. Woods: First, there is a 4-year time limit between the 4th & 5th Degree promotions. I passed my physical test for my 4th Degree in June 2005. In addition to meeting the time requirements, I had to attend two separate classes ("Teacher, Trainer, Coach 501" & "502") and take a written test for each. I took the "501" course in the spring of 2006, and the "502" course in the summer of 2008, scoring ‘above passing’ grades on both tests.

KGDoug: And I'm sure there is a never-ending stream of learning and growing as a Martial Artist, a Leader, and as a person in the midst of all the extra rank-specific requirements. Who is involved in a process like this, and who approves and oversees eligibility requirements?

Mrs. Woods: Promotions to 5th Degree must be approved by the United Fighting Arts Federation (UFAF) Board of Directors and Grand Master Chuck Norris. The “Masters Rank Induction Ceremony” will be held on Thursday, July 16, 2009 in Las Vegas, NV during the Chun Kuk Do International Training Conference. Grand Master Chuck Norris, CKD President Aaron Norris, and the entire UFAF Board of Directors will sit on stage as each inductee performs a 3-minute presentation. Then the Masters Rank Black Gi Top is ceremonially passed from board member to board member, then given to Grand Master Norris, who will place it on the newly promoted 5th Degree “Master of Chun Kuk Do.”

KGDoug: WOW! This has been a long and extensive process and it sounds like so many people and elements are involved. This reminds me that in order to reach new heights in anything, we must always be surrounded by a dedicated team of leaders, mentors, and encouragers. What are you currently doing to prepare for this event?

Mrs. Woods: Right now I am working on designing a Form demonstrating some advanced CKD skills as well as a One-step punching and Self-defense presentation.

KGDoug: How does this affect you as a school owner, an instructor, and a leader in the Martial Arts community?

Mrs. Woods: When you hear the term “Master” you expect greatness, not only from that individual, but also from the students who follow in their footsteps. As a school owner and instructor, I have always held my students to a high standard of excellence, but now that I will hold the rank of “Master” I feel an even greater responsibility to produce quality students and excellent Black Belts. I don’t want to be satisfied with where I am and the quality of my students. I want to constantly be moving forward!

KGDoug: Is there anyone you would like to mention/thank who has helped you get to this level?

Mrs. Woods: When I started training in 1993, my original instructors were Wayne & Jennie Cannon. I trained under them until 2001 when I opened my own school and soon after they quit teaching. Mr. Cannon was a great instructor and he inspired me to continue my training and never give up. Training under Mr. Cannon changed my life!

In 2001, Master Chuck Elias, who is currently our Regional Chairman, took me under his wing and helped me earn my 3rd and 4th Degrees. I definitely would not be where I am without his help.

I also received a great deal of help from our other board members, Master Steve Hammersley and Master Eric Hensley. The tips, advice and motivation they have given me has helped me become a strong school owner and instructor.
If you are like me, you are inspired by Mrs. Woods' advancement and accomplishments in her art and life. I am confident she will continue to excel and reach every new goal she sets her heart, mind, and hand to. Please join me in congratulating Mrs. Woods and cheering her on toward her goal in July!

If you haven't already...jump on over to her Profile page (dunamiskarate) and learn more about Mrs. Woods and her school.

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon
Kickgen username: KGDoug

To Attack or Not To Attack...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Master Gichin Funakoshi, considered to be the "father of modern Karate", taught five guiding priciples for Karate students to follow in their training and life in general. These are called the "Dojo Kun". Whether you train in traditional Karate or another style, I think these are solid principles to aspire to.

One of the principles is this: "Kekki no yu o imashimuru koto," or "Refrain from violent behavior." A further teaching by Master Funakoshi and some of his students, reflecting this same principle is, " Karate, never attack first." This is not about being passive, as it seems on the surface, as much as it is about being wise!

How can we apply this to everyday life? It seems easy enough to practice this in our training...being aware of our opponent's moves in order to block or deflect an attack. Being patient, confident and poised, instead of allowing ourselves to become nervous, anxious, or confused. Showing respect and discipline in our every action, word, and thought. The application is apparent and numerous in Martial Arts.

What about life? I think we can find many ways there too... Read on...

Newest Legend and Athlete

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sammy Smith, KICKgen's featured Athlete is 11 years old from Dix Hills, New York. She has been training in the martial arts for the last seven and a half years in Kenpo Karate at Busto’s Karate in Plainview, New York. Unlike many kids her age Sammy trains everyday sometimes two to two and a half hours on her various martial arts talents. Sammy is a well-traveled young martial artist. She has been to countries such as Canada and has traveled to many of the respective states within the US. She was also the youngest member of Team US, a group of martial arts competitors, who were invited to St. Petersburg, Russia in 2008.

read more

Le-gend [lej-uhnd]: a collection of stories about an admirable person; a person who is the center of such stories. If you live in the Northeast, you probably have heard of this legend many times over again. And it is likely that you have seen his magazine, Action Martial Arts Magazine. Our legend this time is innovator and traditional stylist: Alan Goldberg.

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