As we all know, the Martial Arts have a language all to their own. Whether Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Brazilian, or otherwise...sometimes the things we say hold a lot of meaning. I have learned that students of the arts don't always know the meaning behind the words or phrases they use. Of course, there can be a thousand interpretations of a single meaning, but for the most part, we can glean a good deal of inspiration, motivation, knowledge, and instruction from the simple translation of some of our words and phrases.
Our word or phrase today is "Osu".
The literal translation of the word "Osu" can be built from an understanding of the two Chinese symbols "Osae" and "Shinobu", from which "Osu" is derived and is used in traditional Japanese Martial Arts. "Osae" (o) means "to press" or "to push" and symbolizes giving 100% effort in everything we do. "Shinobu" (su) means "steady", "steady spirit", or "to endure". The two symbols combined create the word "Osu" which then can be translated "to push forward or persevere while giving 100% effort, even in the most difficult circumstances". In a sense, when someone uses it in a training hall or while practicing the arts, it can mean that the person is willing to give everything they have, and be completely present, whether they feel like it or not...sort of a pledge to endure to the utmost limits.
Often it is used as a replacement for "hello" or "goodbye" or "I understand" as well. Regardless, it is a word with great meaning behind it, showing great respect and full commitment by the user.
Just for kicks (pun definitely intended!)...another definition of "Osu" is "patience with myself and with others" denoting that advancement in the arts, or in life period, has to do with much more than just physical strength or the prowess of skill. It requires an inner maturity and development that can only be obtained through the strictest of discipline.
Perhaps you have a similar word in another language that is used in your training. Whatever it is though, realize it holds a lot of weight and shouldn't be used lightly, as with any training language.
So to you I say, "Osu!" and with this I say "Push forward with a steady spirit, and have patience both with yourself and those around you, and give everything you have when training or in life...leave nothing to question...and endure even the most trying of circumstances with a positive and resourceful attitude, and you will be the better, the stronger, and the wiser person for it!"
Wow! A lot CAN be said in a very little word.
Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug
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