Today I would like us to attend a Memorial Service in honor of you. "WHAT!?!?! But I'm still here," you say. And of course you are, which is the PERFECT time to attend this service...waaaaay before it ever happens.
Now, before you think I'm getting all morbid on you, or before you think I've all but lost it...follow me for a just a minute.
Imagine being at a Memorial Service in your honor. The thing I really want to focus on today (and during some reflection over the weekend) is what it is you would WANT someone to say about you at a memorial service.
How would you like to be remembered? What legacy are you leaving behind in the trails you are blazing?
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." -Anonymous
The actions you take and the words you speak on a day-to-day basis are what people will remember you by. (All of these actions and words added up over the years is called your Life.) Your actions and words are born from your VALUES. Your values are sort of like invisible little guides that help you make the right choices and form your thinking, and as a result influence your actions and words. If you know what your values are, you will live congruently with them and you will experience a great deal of peace and success. If you don't know what your values are, your life will seem like it is all over the place, and you will experience indecision, increased negative stress, and a life seemingly out of balance.
Everyday each of us will experience circumstances that test our character, patience, and our peace of mind. Are your values clearly defined? If so, you will pass these daily tests. If get the picture.
So, I will give you a short example and then make you an offer:
One of my personal values is: Inspiration. I want to live an inspired life. That means I am going to surround myself continually with people and environments that inspire me. But it goes much deeper. I want to live a life of inspiration to others. That means I want to be able to inspire people through my actions and words. That also means I have to walk-the-walk and talk-the-talk. This daily writing through is one way I try to inspire people in my life. My hope is that somewhere along the way, you are inspired by these written words and that you can find a way to use them in positive ways in your own life and martial arts training. An example of another value I live by is Integrity (they don't all begin with "I")...and you can imagine what a value like this means to a person. Another is Family (this is definitely one of my TOP values).
Most people should choose 7-10 Values at most and then align your life with those values.
Here's my offer (this is for members ONLY, by the way, as I normally reserve this type of thing to people that I am coaching personally). If you are interested, I would like to send you a list of values and a worksheet to help you identify values and apply them to your life. I thought about posting it on, but I would rather send it to you if you REALLY want it, and so I am going to ask you to make a request on this offer in order to get this "Values Identification List and Worksheet". Again, only for members...just one of the many VERY COOL benefits of being a member of this community.
You can message me at my profile or email me at and I will send you this fun little Life Development exercise. do you want to be remembered? Identify your values and live your life according to those values, and I guarantee that when the day comes that someone has to talk about your life and your impact on will be exactly what you would want them to say!
Until then...
Have An Extraordinary Weekend!
Doug McGannon
Kicken username: KGDoug
P.S. - Don't forget to message me or email me ( if you would like to receive the "Values Identification List and Worksheet" and begin defining your influence in this world.
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