Member Inspiration: Tammy Gillette

Thursday, April 16, 2009

As a regular installment of this section of, I would like to introduce members of the community and highlight accomplishments, endeavors, and other inspirational events and activities. My intent here is to tap into some of the excitement going on in YOUR lives and share it with the rest of our community, so that we can celebrate together and cheer each other on.

Here is what I am asking of you in return: Post encouraging comments or thoughts, Add featured individuals as your friends (if you haven't already), and Use what is presented here to inspire you to become the very best you can be!

As I talk with more of you through, I am convinced you are living extraordinary lives through your Martial Arts! This is an opportunity to build community through the amazing happenings taking place in your lives. I really have no limits as to what type of inspiration I am searching for...perhaps you have just earned your Yellow Belt, or competed well in a tournament, or you participated in a dynamic event to benefit someone in need in your hometown, or like today's inspirational member...we have an opportunity to share in the recent accomplishments of Tammy Gillette.

Name: Tammy Gillette (username: tammyglltt)
Rank: Temporary 1st Degree Brown Belt
Style: Tae Kwon Do (TKD)
School: Columbus Junction Presbyterian TKD School, Mr. Stan Tate Head Instructor
Point of Inspiration: Tammy was recently promoted to Temporary 1st Degree Brown Belt rank and competed at the 2nd Annual Metamora Martial Arts Tournament in Metamora, IL. She placed 2nd in Women's Sparring, 2nd in Weapons Forms, 3rd in Women's Forms, and 3rd in Board Breaking.

KGDoug: So, Tammy, you recently competed in the 2nd Annual Metamora Martial Arts Tournament on April 4th and did very well. As well, on April 13th you were promoted to Temporary 1st degree Brown Belt. Congratulations, you have been very busy with your training lately. What did you do to prepare for this tournament and what is your opinion about how a Martial Artist should train for events like this?

Tammy: I prepared for the tournament by practicing forms over and over. I also practice stepping into stances. I weight train on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and with 30 minutes of cardio (elliptical machine) on the other days. Next, I practice all my forms and pay special attention to the form I will compete with (plus I have a back up if I need one). I believe practicing is what helps. Plus, videotaping also gives you insights as to how you may be doing.

KGDoug: As with anything, repetition is key. It sounds like you put in a lot of time and it is showing with your recent high placements at the tournament and with your promotion. What are some of your accomplishments you are most proud of as a Martial Artist?

Tammy: I was extremely happy when I broke 2 boards with an ax kick for the first time (since I seem to have problems breaking at times).

KGDoug: What accomplishments you are most proud of in other areas of your life?

Tammy: I was very relieved when I earned a Master of Arts degree at Western Illinois University.

KGDoug: Wow! That is no easy feat. Again, congratulations. Completing studies at that level in your education and in your Martial Arts is certainly an inspiration for the rest of us. It is one more example of how we can accomplish anything if we put our mind to it and do what is necessary to reach our goals. What are you working toward next in your training?

Tammy: I'm currently preparing for the TKD tournament in Bettendorf, IA on April 18th, and a Karate tournament in Moline, IL on April 25th. Then, I will concentrate on what I need for the rank of 1st Degree Brown Belt.

KGDoug: Definitely keep us posted. Is there anyone you would like to recognize who is, or has been, a positive influence in your life and training? Any words of encouragement you could give members?

Tammy: I look up to my parents (my dad had a bad heart attack in 1994, but he didn't give up - he is walking and talking now and has some brain damage, but you can't tell it). My Mom was there for Dad and kept encouraging me to do my best. I also look up to Mr. Stan Tate, Mr. Rob Tate, and Mr. Dennis Shepard since they have pushed me to do my best.

The encouragement that I would give members is perseverance. That means never give up. Always set goals to achieve.

KGDoug: Good words, Tammy, and thank you for sharing your accomplishments and goals with us. I join the members of and applaud you for your hard work, dedication, and the inspiration you provide to all of us to keep going and never give up.

Give Tammy some "Never Give Up" encouragement by leaving a comment here or visiting her profile at tammyglltt.

Be Inspired and,

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug