Part 2: "Quick, Hide The Comics!"...(And Other Truths)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A few days ago, I began a blog post with the following:

Someone once told me, "Show me who you are hanging out with and tell me what you are reading, and I can tell you what your life will look like in the next year." (I thought to myself..."Quick. Hide the comic books!")

This person is a mentor to me in the area of Leadership Development, and I learned this from him: Two things that can determine who you are becoming in the near future are:

1. Who your friends are, and;
2. What you are putting in your head.

For just a moment, let's look at #2:

What are you putting in your head? What are you reading? What are you listening to? Better yet, WHO are you listening to?

I believe that what you are allowing "in" is creating who you "are".

It may happen slowly without you even realizing it, but it is happening. This is why it is so important to be aware of what and who is influencing you on a daily basis. You must develop an awareness of all the things that are coming your way each day and learn to filter those things. Some things you let "in", but most of it you keep "out". It's kinda like Mental Self-defense. Being aware is the first step to defense, and learning how to block, avoid, or otherwise filter is the second step. The third step is practice.

Just like in physical self-defense, you must practice mental self-defense daily so that it becomes natural to you. There are over 3,000 messages a day from T.V., friends, family, movies, games, books, magazines, school, teachers, and so on, trying to influence you. That's somewhere around 21,000 messages a week that are trying to get "in". No wonder people are so stressed out!

You better believe we all need to practice mental self-defense every day!!!

A sports psychologist once told me the biggest difference between superstar athletes and those who struggle to "make it" is that superstars have learned to filter out over 90% of the "junk" that is coming at them each day. He said that less than 10% of what people took "in" each day was actually needed or beneficial to them. WOW!

So...have you practiced your self-defense today? Physical AND Mental? Just like the physical, the mental takes toughness, determiniation, consistency, and discipline...but it is worth it!

Oh, and by the can't do this alone.
Find a qualified coach, talk to your instructor, ask your parents for help...find someone who is trustworthy and can be honest with you, and ask them to be a part of your "mental self-defense" team and keep you accountable.

Here's to your mental well-being...

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon
Kickgen username: KGDoug

P.S. - Just like my mentor taught me...what you are reading is a key to who you are becoming. Are you reading to encourage, strengthen, develop, learn, grow...? Are you reading at all? Check your reading habits. "Readers are leaders, and leaders are readers."

P.P.S. - If you aren't reading, start with one book and go from there (and don't worry about how long it takes to get through it, just do it.) If you do read a little or a lot, think about creating a reading plan. Pick subjects (martial arts development, leadership development, business strategy, inspiration, finances, relationships, etc.) and layout a plan to read something from each category you choose over the next couple of months. Mix it up, have fun with it!