KICKgen LIVE Streaming Event - TONIGHT!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The New England Open! TONIGHT @ 7 PM EST.

KICKgen's LIVE reporter, Lauren Keareny will be hosting the night time show LIVE on

KICKgen’s Doug McGannon will be moderating the LIVE chat and "Tweeting" during the broadcast adding his insights and commentary.

Program Highlights & Divisions:

* Special Appearance by 2005 American Idol finalist, Ayla Brown
* Forms (Traditional, Creative, Extreme, Musical)
* Superforms
* Weapons (Traditional, Creative, Extreme, Musical)
* Synchronized Team Forms
* Team Demo
* Team Fighting
* Kali Stick Fighting Full Contact
* No Gi Grappling
* Superfights (Men & Women)
* Continuous Fighting
* Junior Black Belt Team Fighting

To see the show LIVE go to the @ 7:00 p.m.

Wanna add your event to KICKgen?

It's FREE - go to KICKgen Events. **Please register as a member first, then look for calendar icon at the top right hand side of the events page after you are logged in. For help please contact

To get more information about:

* Becoming a Featured Event including LIVE Streaming
* Featured Event marketing

Please contact or call 1-866-660-4707 ex: 701

Words of Wisdom: Something To Hold On To...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Words of Wisdom: Something To Hold On To...

Today I would like to introduce a new theme to our daily posts...Wisdom.

Wisdom is one of those things that few people think about consistently, but it is the one thing that can really enrich and fulfill your life like nothing else.

I was asked recently by a young father to give him one - and only one - thing I thought would be worth sharing with his child. After thinking about it for a moment, I said, "Wisdom." He was an insightful fellow, so he got it right away. The thing about wisdom is this: if you can share wisdom with someone, you can teach them about love, prosperity, relationships, health, good grades, pet care (yes, pet care), respect, honor, values, strategy, finances...and so much more...all with just a few words that are meaningful and easily remembered.

Here's the catch...

Wisdom is not something you is something you DO!

So, when you get a nugget of wisdom, it is meant for you to do something with it. Learn how to apply it and use it daily. I promise you, your life will change for the better!

Here is a chewy nugget for today:

"Hold on to instruction, do not let it go;
guard it well, for it is your life."

When reading wise sayings from someone, try to key in on the, well...key words. Break it down like this:

Instruction - Teaching or some form of investment into your life by someone who has "been there, done that."

Guard - Don't let anyone or anything take it from you. Hold it close, protect it and begin to realize just how valuable it is.

Life - Your very breath, blood, and necessary functions for living life at the highest level.

Now, think of someone like a parent, a Martial Arts instructor, a teacher, a mentor, or a Life Coach who has made an investment of wisdom into your life. What was the instruction? What did they say to you or show you? How does it apply to you? What are you doing with it?

Place a high level of value on it and put some real focus into it and understand your life will be deeply enriched, possible even saved, by the wisdom you have received. Now put it into play...take action on what you have been taught, or think of a time in the future when you may need to call on that nugget of wisdom and tuck it away for such a time.

Let's read it again:

Hold on to instruction, do not let it go;
guard it well, for it is your life.

Now...go do something with it.

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug
Follow Doug on Twitter!

New England Open Live This Weekend on

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New England Open LIVE This Weekend on

More Reasons to attend the New England Open!

* Extreme divisions compete on Gymnastic/cheer styled mats.
* Super Forms
* Music boxes available to all musical division competitors for a $10 fee
* Adult WAKO team tryouts
* No Gi Grappling
* Local area restaurants within walking distance

To learn more about theNew England Open
Contact Promoter: Joe Greenhalgh
Phone: 401-729-9779
Location: Marlborough, MA

Be there and meet's LIVE reporter, Lauren Kearney, who will be streaming the night time show LIVE on, Saturday evening, May 30th.

To see the show LIVE go to the home page at 7:00 p.m, this Saturday, May 30th.

Wanna add your event to KICKgen?

It's FREE - go to KICKgen Events.
**Please register as a member first, then look for calendar icon at the top right hand side of the events page after you are logged in. For help please contact

To get more information about becoming a Featured Event, or having your circuit's ratings listed on KICKgen, please contact or call 1-866-660-4707 ex: 703 Member Inspiration: DeAndre "De-Man" Brown

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Once again, I am amazed at the level of excellence found in the lives of members here at This week we have an opportunity to hear from a young man who was one of my first ever friends on (and probably true for many of you too). He is already a "major player" in the world of martial arts, in my opinion, and I believe he has tremendous insight into what it means to live at the highest level in all areas of life. Tune in and enjoy this week's inspiration coming straight at you from someone we all affectionately know here at as: "DeMan"!

Name: DeAndre Brown (username: De-Man)
Rank: 1st
Degree Black Belt
Style: Chun Kuk Do
School: Dunamis Karate, Ridgleand, SC (Ower/Chief Instructor: Mrs. Lindy Woods)
Point of Inspiration: DeAndre was recently promoted to 1st Degree Black Belt. As well, he is a champion tournament competitor and an avid user of He is a constant source of inspiration to people, young and "less than young" alike.

KGDoug: DeAndre, you were recently promoted in Chun Kuk Do (CKD). To what rank were you promoted and give us a little insight as to what it took get to that level?

DeAndre: On April 18, 2009 I was promoted to 1st Degree Black Belt. It took determination, dedication, plenty of practice and about 4 ½ years to get to this level.

KGDoug: Whew! Not easy, but definitely worth it. Is there a lot of pressure being young and achieving such a high rank in the Martial Arts?

DeAndre: No, I have never felt any pressure I just made up my mind and set my goals. One test, one belt; next test, next belt - that’s what stayed in my mind. I have always have been focused, and mindful of other kids my age just starting in Martial Arts. When they ask questions, I try to inspire and motivate them while being totally honest and truthful with them. I let them know that any type of Martial Arts is hard work. But it can also be fun too.

KGDoug: Very good. How do you deal with pressure in your life, whether it is from Martial Arts, school, or other areas?

DeAndre: I always strive to be and do my very best so I don’t really feel any pressure in my life or with my schoolwork or Martial Arts. I was more nervous than pressured on the day of my Black Belt testing but as soon as I stepped on the mat I went into my zone and was on target, the nervousness left me. I guess I’m like that at school too, I’m a distinguished “A” Honor roll student and have been since I started school.

KGDoug: Impressive! This is something I believe every student should strive for...striving to be and do the very best! You also have some accomplishments in tournament play. Can you list those for us?

DeAndre: I am a member of an organization called Black Belts For Christ (BBFC). For my age, rank and division, I am the reigning State Champion for the years: 2006, 2007, and 2008. I am also the reigning Grand Champion for the years: 2006, 2007, and 2008. In all of the BBFC tournaments I attended I did Forms, Weapons and Sparring and came in 1st place.

We also have an annual tournament called The Goodwill Tournament that I have attended for the past four years. I placed 1st in forms, weapons and sparring that first year (2006) and each year after that and up to this year, 2009.

KGDoug: Wow! These are wonderful accomplishments, especially while maintaining such high standards academically and in other areas of your life. What are you looking to accomplish next in your training or competing?

DeAndre: As far as my Chun Kuk Do training that will continue. My next long-range goal is to be a 5th Degree Black Belt by the time I turn 19 years old, then I’ll go off to college. I would also like to start training right now in some other forms of Martial Arts. I’m still in the process of deciding which one to choose as of this date. As far as competing, I hope to be able to participate in and branch out into some of the other rated Martial Arts Circuits out there. I always love new challenges.

KGDoug: How often do you train each week?

DeAndre: Three days a week at the studio, and when I’m home I always find time to train. So I guess you can say I train everyday. My sessions depend on what I’m working on. It may last 1 hour or all afternoon with some breaks in between.

KGDoug: What else do you like to do from day to day?

DeAndre: I love to read, my reading goal in our Accelerated reading program for this school year was 100 I finished the year with a score of 449.7. I love to play any and all types of video games. I love playing chess, doing word search puzzles and I also like collecting and watching any kind of Martial Arts movie. Oh and I can’t forget, hanging out on

KGDoug: We have a lot in common. I love Chess and actually collect Chess boards from all over the world, and I love reading and Martial Arts movies. We need to hang out sometime! :) What do you think is most important in life to be successful?

DeAndre: I think you have to know what it is that you want to achieve then set your goal, tell yourself you can do it, give yourself a time frame. Then just do it. (If you think it, you can achieve it).

KGDoug: Is there anyone you would like to recognize for helping you reach the heights you have so far?

DeAndre: Well of course, my instructor Mrs. Lindy Woods. She is the best teacher in the whole wide world. She is awesome. I look forward to going to class all the time just to see what new technique she is going to teach me. In school I want to recognize my teacher, Ms. Patricia Moye, for making me rise to the challenges she presented me with, and do class work on a 4th and 5th grade level even though I’m just in the 3rd grade. I have never ever been bored in her class.

Last but not least my Mom, I would be nothing and nowhere without her. She is always there for me in anything I want to do. She is everything I need and more and she has a great sense of humor and does great imitations. She always inspires me to be my best. My Dad is pretty cool too; he’s my practice partner and makes it fun to do my techniques on.

KGDoug: Hey now, be careful with your Dad. Just make sure it is fun for HIM to have techniques done on HIM! :) (Note: DeAndre's Mom is a Member too. Her username is: De-Mom.) If you could give advice to members out there who are striving to be their very best, what would you say?

DeAndre: First of all I would say you have got to have a "stick-to-it-ness" attitude and the dedication to keep going forward even if you face some disappointments and obstacles. The only way your going to accomplish your goal and achieve that next belt or your Black Belt is one belt at a time. Go on and watch and enjoy that Kung Fu Panda or The Karate Kid movie and then say to yourself, "Oh man, Karate is so cool. I want to do that.” When you get your parents to take you to a dojo and you step on that mat for the first time, just know that it's going to take more than the length of a movie to become a Martial Artist.

Last week when I was coming to class as we were walking in, a new student was coming out he was so excited and telling his dad, “Look dad I got my white belt.” I stopped and congratulated him and I told him to go home and take a picture of himself with his white belt on. Then come back to class and in about 4 or 5 years and he can take another picture with his Black Belt on. Then he noticed my Black Belt and was blown away by it. He had all kinds of questions for me. When he asked how old I was and I told him he said, "WOW, I’m 9 years old too." I just smiled, shook his hand, patted him on the back and told him, you can do it too, just like me.

KGDoug: DeAndre, I knew there was a reason they call you DeMan! LOL! Anything else you would like to say?

DeAndre: Yes, KICKGEN IS THE BOMB!!! : -) And everybody, that’s serious about their Martial Arts should spend some of their free time practicing on the things they have trouble with. The fun part comes in when you practice the things that you’re good at. Remember; practice makes perfect.

KGDoug: Thanks, DeAndre! It's been good talking to you. I will see you around real soon. Keep up the great work. Enjoy your successes for a moment, then keep reaching higher and higher!

How about clicking on over to DeAndre's profile (and his Mom's) and giving them some LOVE!

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug
Follow Doug on Twitter!

Language of the Arts: The Anatomy of the KIAI!

Monday, May 25, 2009

(Today's post is written by a guest writer and my oldest son, Michael. I consider a Michael a much better writer than I, and I always enjoy reading what he has to offer. He loves and is a student of languages, and really wanted to do a piece with this theme. I worked on this piece with Michael as simply an editor, and very minor at that, but this is his baby and I invite you to enjoy today's Language of the Arts article. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I believe you will too. Michael's profile link is at the bottom of this article...)

“ HAI!”
“ WHAAAAaaAAAaaAaagh!”

It catches everyone’s attention during a tournament, that’s for sure. It can assure the judges know you put your all into that particular strike. No one can deny your ability of raw power after a good, strong “kiai”… But what is the “kiai”?

“Kiai”, known to many as the “shout of spirit”, comes from the two Japanese words “ki” (mind, breath, or spirit—equivalent of Chinese “chi”) and “ai” (to unite). If you are a practitioner of the Korean arts, you might know it as “kihap” or “yatz”. There is an art form altogether dedicated to the “shout of spirit”, called Kiai Jutsu, which uses the “kiai” as a weapon, often times to stun the opponent. “Kiai” is even used in the Japanese game “Go” as a term to show aggressive spirit and a positive, forward moving strategy.

“Kiai” doesn’t necessarily mean screaming till your head turns purple. Some would say that a “kiai” can be completely silent, because the principle is not in the sound, but the inner gathering of your power and energy; of proper breathing, alignment in body structure, and absolute concentration on technique.

It is worth the mention here that a silent “kiai” is extremely practical. A wide-open mouth creates a higher chance that you’ll get your jaw broken or your teeth knocked out, and a silent “kiai” can be used just as effectively while keeping the mouth closed. That’s why boxers and mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters use that “shoosh” noise whenever they punch or get hit.

However, the shout is still an important piece of the equation. The shout is the exclamation point at the end of the sentence. It is the simultaneously raw, yet disciplined explosion of all that gathered energy and will-power that causes your opponent a need to change his or her proverbial diaper.

It is also defensive. Think about it: I’m going to punch you in the stomach (not really, but just play along for a moment). What’s a good way to control the damage I might inflict on you? A gathering of and release of your breath and energy, completely absorbing the impact of my fist and making my attack all but moot. (Cue counter-punch to my surprised face.)

Furthermore, the shout of spirit can help relieve your self of any fears, even while instilling fear and uncertainty into any potential attackers.

So next time you feel silly shouting in class, or you encounter someone who likes to poke fun at martial arts using the ever-present “WaaaaachaaaaaAAAAAaaaah!” sounds (you know what I’m talking about), just remember there is so much more to the language and, in this case, shouts we use in all forms of Martial Arts. Your understanding of what you practice on a weekly basis can significantly deepen your appreciation for the traditions and heritage…and practical power…contained in the individual practices of the arts.

So go on, get out there on the mat and practice using those inner core muscles, and practice gathering the immense inner power that resides in each of us. “Kiai” until your face turns red…“Kihap” till your face turns purple…or learn to utilize the silent shout of spirit, and really rock the mat! Just be sure when you do, put all your power, energy, and focus into it. Be sharp! Do well!


Thanks Michael (Michaels username: Wyvern - show him some love)! And Happy Memorial Day observed today.

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug
Follow Doug on Twitter!

It's A State-of-Mouth!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Words can heal, words can cause pain.
Words can divide, words can comfort.
Words can inspire, words can bring shame.
Words can confuse, words can foster unity.

What do your words accomplish? Are you a positive yapper, or is your vocabulary laced with the poison of negativity?

How do your words affect people around you? Your environment? Your own mind and body?

Our words contain vast amounts of power to do good or harm. It is our careful and deliberate choice to use our words to encourage and create a positive environment, or tear down and charge the air around us with...well...YUCK!

The choice is yours. You have the power to drastically change the people and circumstances surrounding you for the better. Let me help you start by encouraging you to be positive and pay close attention to the words you use. Think ahead and plan on what you will say in various situations. Choose mentally, and even speak your decision aloud, to use only words that will build up, help, encourage, and create a positive environment. Make the decision now, and when you get in a difficult situation it will become easier to choose positive words.

Think about someone who walks into a room and causes everyone to tense up around them because people come out of their mouths. You don't want to be that person!

Now, imagine someone who enters a room and lightens moods, is pleasant, and who people want to be around. Picture yourself as that person...and decide to be THAT person.

It begins with a State-of-mouth.

Give a try this weekend to eliminate as many negative words from your vocabulary as possible and search for words you can use to replace YUCK words with ones that will do the most good.

Make a game of it and write down how many words you replaced this weekend. Tally them up and see how much good you accomplished just by choosing the right words.

Here we go: I BELIEVE you CAN do this because you are a CREATIVE and POSITIVE person who is INTELLIGENT and wants to do what is GOOD and BENEFICIAL for everyone around you. You are AMAZING and people LOVE to hang out with you and hear all the GOOD things that come from you. You are an ENCOURAGEMENT to people and make the room SHINE when you walk in. You DESERVE a HIGH-FIVE!

There I am up 14 positive words already! How many can you count today?

Have An Extraordinary Weekend!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug
Follow Doug on Twitter!

Like A Triple Shot of Espresso!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Earlier today I had a message pop up from a friend on Facebook. He said he just couldn't get going for anything. He simply had no motivation to get anything done and was royally bummed because of the way he was feeling.

We have all had those days, yes? Days when we feel like crawling up under the sheets and hiding from everyone and everything...days when doing absolutely nothing is not simply an option, it's a way of life! The problem is we usually feel bummed out ourselves if we give in to those feelings. We are people of motion. We are created to get things done and accomplish on a daily basis.

So, how do we stay motivated during those times when we could care less if the whole planet packed up and moved to Saturn, and left us to wallow in our BLAH?

Coffee (or energy drinks) might be an answer...if you didn't crash 2 hours after every cup (or can)! Unfortunately, the effects of mega-caffeinated indulgences, including the spazz-out-like-a-wet-cat jitters, don't do much to help us stay motivated no matter how many Lattes (or energy monsters) you consume in an eight-hour period.

Here are 3 tips to get you moving as though you just downed a triple shot Cuban espresso (don't do it people, just don't!):

1. Discover what makes you go ZOOM!

Some of us are energized by projects, work-related tasks, figuring out solutions to save the world...small things like that :). Some of us love simply connecting with people, enjoying some meaningful conversation. What energizes you? What motivates you? Are you the type of person who like tackling a big project, by yourself or even with a team of like-minded people? Do you enjoy hanging out with friends and engaging in a good conversation, or doing something absolutely random and hilarious?

Whatever it is, discover what really motivates you and get busy making it happen. Often the process of planning to do something is enough to get your engine running on all eight cylinders. The act of doing is just the icing on the cake.

2. Engage in some Up-Time or some Down-Time!

Are you the adventure type? Or the curl-up-with-a-book-in-a-big-cushy-chair type? You may need to plan a day trip to do some hiking, or if you're like me, some bungee-jumping. Perhaps a random 3-rounds of sparring with another martial artist. Something physical, daring...exhilarating. Adventure. It's in your blood. It gets you going...motivation!

Like a good book? Chill-out time with some meditation and green-tea? Journaling? Some Tai-Chi, yoga, or other slow-movement type activity? Down-time is your way to replenishment. You fill up on slowing down. Schedule some down time and energize those bones!

3. Dig deep for inspiration!

There is a constant source of inspiration all around us, every day. It's up to you to tap that source. One way to get in touch with some inspiration is to re-connect with the big picture. Often we can get bogged down by day-to-day minutia. Schedules get cramped, budgets get squeezed, heart rates go WAY up. There are times when we have to fly up to 30,000 feet and get a birds-eye view of everything again. What's the mission? Why am I here? What is my purpose today? Big picture stuff can light some of the dimmest fires inside us.

You may need to do something a little more down to celebrate! Call on a recent achievement and remind yourself that you are a success, you can get things done, that no matter how big or how small, you are an accomplish-er. Think of something you did recently that you were proud of and throw a little party. Treat yourself to something nice. Simple, but nice. Be inspired by your accomplishments and let it be the fuel that drives you forward to your next success destination.

Here's a BONUS tip for you. This is one of my favorite get-motivated-or-bust techniques. Remember that guy on Facebook I told you about? This is exactly what I told him to do to overcome the can't-get-motivated-blues:

Focus on someone else! That's right, it's not all about you.

One of the quickest shots of motivation you can give yourself is to do something for someone else. Get involved in a charity project that benefits a local group of people or organization. A children's home, a soup kitchen...something that is just outside your comfort zone, and that will completely remind you of just how fortunate you are to be who you are.

You could go a simpler route and do just as much good. Pick up the phone and encourage a friend, or find someone in your sphere of influence who could use a helping hand. Regardless of what you do, do something...something that benefits someone else, significantly!

Nix the triple-shot and engage in something that will truly motivate you! In the meantime...

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug
Follow Doug on Twitter!

Visualize This!

Monday, May 18, 2009

While at Gator Nationals this weekend, I was continually reminded that we truly can accomplish anything we set our minds to. I watched as Martial Artists from all over the world competed, triumphed, overcame adversity, and went further than people (and sometimes their bodies) told them they could. Truly, I was in the midst of Champions!

Are you striving toward a goal right now? Is there something you would like to accomplish? Overcome?

Work through these steps as part of your Championship Strategy:

1. Visualize it! This step can be a lot of fun, and often we don't utilize this powerful application. Your goal, dream, vision...must be clear. You must define your outcome. In other words, begin with the end in mind. What does it look like when you have accomplished your goal? Does it end with you on the Champions podium with your arms raised high in victory? Do you see hundreds of children being fed who otherwise would not have eaten today had you not acted? Can you see the diploma or degree hanging on your wall now that you have completed this phase of your education? In your mind's eye, are you finally wearing tht Black Belt you have been working toward?

Once you have the end in mind, track backwards and discover all the steps you need to accomplish the final result. THEN, put yourself in the action. See yourself accomoplishing each step along the way.

This may seem awkward at first, and it may take some getting used to, but once you've got it you will do it regularly and realize how powerful visualization can be. You really do need to see yourself accomplishing your dream, as this will increase your belief in yourself and the fact that you CAN do it.

2. Lights, Camera, ACTION! This is where the rubber meets the road...the egg hits the frying pan...the action begins! You now begin taking action toward meeting your goals. If you are working toward a Black Belt, well...get your feet on the mat and tighten up that footwork, strengthen those punches, commit to memory your next form, do 10 more pushups, ask your Instructor how you are doing on current techniques...whatever it is you need to do to get to the next level of rank, DO IT!

You can dream all day long, but if that is all you do, I PROMISE you won't ever have that Belt wrapped around your waist (or any other goal you are reaching toward). If you are working on a school assignment, thinking (or complaining) about it won't get it done. If you are training for a tournament, talking about it won't win you anything! You must get out and put some action behind your vision. And remember, it's YOUR vision! No one else' don't expect anyone else to get it done for you.

Take action...bring your dream to life!

3. Throw a Party! Celebrate each step along the way. (Many of you are saying, "Yes! I was waiting for you to get to this step...PAR-TAY!) When you are awarded your Blue Belt, it may not be Black yet, but it is still a MAJOR accomplishment on the way to Black Belt...Right!? Enjoy it! Celebrate it! Then move on to the next goal. Don't get stuck along the way, but do enjoy the journey. Plan small celebrations along the way, then when you reach the BIG goal...go BIG!

I am always both amazed and humbled to rub shoulders with people like I met this weekend at the tournament, but I am also reminded that if the Vision is worth is doing the hard work necessary to accomplish it.

Is your dream worth it? Are you planning out your strategy to accomplish your goals? Can you see yourself in the Winner's Circle at the end of it all? Are you DOING what must be done to get there?

I say your dream is worth it, so get out there and get busy making it happen. Oh, and if you find someone who says "It can't be done," politely smile, nod your head respectfully, and keep walking.

Thanks to everyone who made Gator's a success here at, I look forward to meeting many more of you in the months to come, and celebrating with you as your dreams come true!

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug
Follow Doug On Twitter, click here!

P.S. - More Language of the Arts and Member Inspiration Coming Soon!!! Stay Tuned!

Twitter, At Gator Nationals! What's This?!!?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

It's just one day away from packing up the pony and hitting the trail for the Gator Nationals.

"Whoa Bessy! Wait just a doggone minuto! There ain't no more pony rides in the 21st Century, and we are blazin' new trails this year!" That's right folks, put away your spurs (those things hurt...ever tried a back-kick with one of those things on?!), we are gettin' all fancy and feathered this year...

As many of you know, will be streaming live for the Saturday night show, beginning at 7:00pm (go to the homepage for the player) AND yours truly will be "Tweeting" Live ALL WEEKEND, beginning tomorrow evening, from the Gator Nationals in Daytona Beach, FL! If you don't already have one, you will want to get your Twitter account setup and link up with me (link at the bottom of this post) and with It's simple and this will be a lot of fun!

To make it even easier, you can log on to during the event and visit my profile page where my Twitter updates happen right here on Kickgen. You gotta' love this stuff! So easy, so much fun!

I am very excited to be going to the Gator Nationals this year and I hope to see many of you there. I'm sure I will be inspired by the amazing martial arts action all weekend, so I will most likely be posting a new inspirational blog for all of us to enjoy over the weekend (perhaps even live while some high-flying action is swirling around me).

Go ahead, get your account setup, visit my profile page and scroll down until you see my Twitter updates, and be sure to be logged on to for the live streaming event. "Yippeee! Get along now, little doggy...let's get ourselves to the rip-roarin' Gator Nationals and don't forget to tweet back!"

Have A Doggone Extraordinary Weekend!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug
P.S. - Here's's Twitter link too:

A Message Concerning Safety on From Tracy McCoy, Please Read

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hello members,

As a registered member of, there are a few things that I feel I need to share with you with regards to safety.

As you know, we’re a social networking site for martial artists. We’re like other social networks in that we provide all of the social networking tools that are so fun, but we’re VERY unlike most others in that we’re COMMITTED TO SAFETY and family friendliness.

Here is our policy regarding safety:
-We review and approve videos and photos and will delete any media we consider unsafe.
-Any member who uploads any media that contains foul language is banned.
-Any member that takes any action that we consider unsafe is banned.

If you ever need to review them, our Terms of Service are located at

Essentially we have zero tolerance for anything unsafe and will deal with it swiftly.

Having said that, I regret this may seem harsh to anyone, but the safety of the community is paramount to any other issue.

You may have noticed a new face around KGDoug. KGDoug has lot on his plate including communicating with members who are overstepping safety boundaries or otherwise abusing site privileges. He is not making policy but rather kindly reinforcing it.

I want to invite you to continue to enjoy all the benefits of, with the knowledge that there is a team of us looking out for the online safety of our members while on


How To Stay Alive In The Woods!

Monday, May 11, 2009

I have the classic text "How To Stay Alive In The Woods" pretty handy on my book shelf. I love flipping through it, learning new things, and dreaming of the day when I can come face to face with a mongo Grizzly in the mountains somewhere and put into practice my new-found knowledge of taming wild animals and co-existing among them...

HA! No way, I say!!! I am not that risk-deprived (though my wife and son would sometimes disagree). I might...I just might...take the risk of attempting to tame, say, a tree frog, or a beetle, though (I know, I know - that just sent shivers up and down your spine). If I am successful I might even go for something really a squirrel! :)

Herein lies a human dilemma (and it has precious little to do with tree frogs!)...

Taking Risks.

When do we take risks? How big of a risk should we take? Who should we invite to take risks with us? I'm talking about everyday life here. Things like learning new tricks in the martial arts, starting a business, overcoming a fear, talking to someone you have avoided because of fear or insecurity, or simply attempting to bake that fancy chicken dish you picked up the recipe for...8 YEARS AGO!!!

No, seriously though. And where is the balance is risk-taking? Somewhere between the Grizzly and the tree frog. Some say there is no such thing as balance in risk-taking, that the two terms don't even work in the same sentence.

I believe there is a strategic approach to taking risks. One of the key success factors in risk-taking is "counting the cost." To count the cost simply means to know what you are getting into (as much as you can). Risk still exists because you can still fail, you simply will never know everything. Some would still say that this is not taking a risk. To them I would only submit that neither is jumping off of a cliff with a parachute. Silly. Of course, it is a risk! Jumping off of a cliff requires counting the cost (that's why you pack a chute!). So do other challenges in life, whether big or small.

Life is an adventure jumping from one risk to the next. Some adventures we go looking for, others kinda sneak up on us. That's part of the fun (I think).

As Martial Artists, I believe we are risk-takers by nature, at least to some degree. Who else do you know that willingly steps into a sparring match every Tuesday and Thursday, just for fun!? It's a good thing, though, being a risk-taker. It's one of the reasons why I believe we can be such effective leaders in our communities. We take risks. We do things no one else would dare think about. We lead. We set the pace. We go for it when the odds are stacked against us.

Think about the influence of people like the Gracie family from Brazil. What impact have they had on the world of Martial Arts, or the world in general, because they decided to take a risk and move a little known style (relatively speaking) to the world-wide stage? How about Bruce Lee and his insistence on teaching Westerners, and his innovations in Martial Arts and media? And what about Chuck Norris and his advancements of the arts, human development, and his work with youth through the arts?

The list could go on and on for a very long time about the accomplishments and influence of Martial Artists the world over.

Here's an even bigger question for you...

What is your mark? What influence, innovation, or development do you have to offer the world of Martial Arts? What do have to offer the world itself? You DO have something to offer. Each of us do. You are significant and it's time you stepped up, counted the cost, and decided to take the risk you need to to be a leader in your family, your school, your community...your world!

That may mean bringing an idea to life, standing up for what is right, or developing a way to assist the under-privileged in your community. Your risk, and subsequent influence, has to be your decision (and action). I'm just here to say "You can do it! Go for it!"

So, how to we stay alive in the woods? Well, we could avoid going into the woods at all. That wouldn't be very much fun though (imagine all the tree frogs you could tame). I say we take the risk, enter the "woods", wisely, and see what kind of influence we can have on the world around us.

What is a risk you have taken? Were you successful? What did you learn from it? How can we learn from your successes and failures? What level of influence do you want to have on the world around you?

Share your thoughts. In the meantime, don't try to tame a Grizzly, I hear they don't take too kindly to the notion. :)

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug

True Modern Warriors: A Tribute To...

Friday, May 8, 2009

In this installment of "True Modern Warriors" I would like to pay special tribute to:


Moms are true warriors...warriors of our modern day. Let's take a peek into their lives (as best a male writer can)...

Wake early. time for yawning, I am MOM! Take the pet out. Wake the kids. Wake the, um...husband. Coffee on. Breakfast. Wake the kids, and husband, again. Milk, juice, vitamins...all there. Shower (Bath? I wish!) Hair...ooh, hair. Do something with it later, no time now. Get dressed, sort of. Forgot the pet outside, sorry Pookie. Breakfast cold. "Kids!" Books. Backpacks. Field trip permission slip...signed. Lunches made. Sip coffee. Wake the kids and husband...AGAIN. Feed the fish. Lay the clothes out for the kids, ok, the husband too. "Get up honey, you're gonna be late." "Kids!" Oh my, forgot to turn off stove. Hair, gotta get to my hair. Makeup. Do these earrings match. Who cares? Finish getting dressed. Drink coffee. Where are my keys? Hair. Shoes. Jacket. Take coat for freezing office. Kids, where are the kids? I hear water running, finally. Reports for work. Report cards for school. Snacks. Call and schedule teacher's conference. Feed Pookie. Take the curling iron out of the did THAT get there? Unplug the briefcase. Plug in the Bus...BUS! "Kids!" Gulp coffee. Run! Keys? The car doesn't start with my finger. Bet it can though, I AM MOM! Kids on the bus. Husband on the hood of the car...oh, sorry honey, I didn't see you there. "Get in, we're late." (That must have hurt!) Work. Pick kids up from school. Ballet. Martial Arts class (Three of them! When did I sign up for all these?) Homework. Dinner. Baths for everyone. Where's Pookie? Drink more coffee...Yes, at 9pm! My day has only just begun. Walk the fish. Water the other pet. Tuck in the kids...and the husband. Clean the kitchen. Why is there a curling iron in the fridge? Fold the last load of laundry. Take off shoes. Change clothes. Sit down...OUCH! Kid's toys. Think about tomorrow...forget it, too stressful. Relax...hmph. Breathe. Pillow. STOP! Not yet. Set alarms. Turn off lights. Unplug refrigerator. Forgot the pet outside again, sorry Pookie. Watch kids part of my day. Kiss hubby on the cheek. How does he get to sleep so fast? Yawn. Now I can yawn. Pillow. Finally. Smile. I am MOM, the Modern Warrior!

Now, if I am even close (and I bet it is 10 times more intense) then you can see Moms truly are Modern Warriors.

Here's to you Mom! Hats off...glasses raised...cheering begins...

Thanks for being everything you are. Happy Mother's Day Weekend!

Everyone something uniquely special for your Mom this weekend, that is definitely expected. But right now, stop what you are doing and go say "Thanks!", "I love you!", or something else that would totally make her day.

From myself and all of us here at,

Have An Extraordinary Mother's Day Weekend!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug Member Inspiration: Christopher Dennis

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Each week I try to find people from all different styles, backgrounds, ranks, and experiences to feature as inspiration coming from right here at One of the things I feel we miss sometimes as we grow in the Martial Arts is the "Awe...!" and wonder of when we first began. Imagine with me back to a time when you were a White or Yellow Belt and all the excitement and anticipation that came with it. Fresh, exciting, learning new things, couldn't wait to get to the next class...FUN! This is why I have enjoyed this week's Member Inspiration. Now I ask you to have a little fun as I interview Mr. Christopher Dennis, then go check out his profile and say "Hi!"

Name: Christopher Dennis (username: karateking)
Rank: Yellow Belt, Tae Kwon Do; Blue Belt, Okinawan Karate
Style: Tae Kwon Do
School: Won Martial Arts Academy in Phenix City, AL
Point of Inspiration: Christopher was recently promoted to Yellow Belt in Tae Kwon Do. It is refreshing and important to see someone having so much fun in martial arts at such a young age. Christopher is a perfect example of the next generation of martial arts champions!

KGDoug: Christopher, I understand you were recently promoted. Can you tell me to what rank you were promoted and what did you have to accomplish to reach that level?

Christopher: I was promoted to Yellow Belt. I had to learn down block, high block, outer form block, middle section punch, Chonji (a Korean form of 19 movements meaning "Heaven and Earth"), and six (6) White belt self-defense techniques.

KGDoug: You have studied in two different arts so far. What are they?

Christopher: Okinawan Karate, and now Tae Kwon Do.

KGDoug: Your little brother, Nicolas, also trains with you. What is it like for you to train with your little brother?

Christopher: Weird! (Christopher says that with a wrinkled up face!) It's weird because my teachers will always pair me up with my brother to help him out, and he doesn't always like for me to help him. Sometimes my brother gets in trouble and is a lot of extra drama.

KGDoug: Ha, ha! That is pretty funny! One day I will be able to ask him the same question, so watch out. I bet he looks up to you, though. Are there any other accomplishments you are really proud of in the Martial Arts?

Christopher: The belts that I have been awarded and all the fun I have had in karate classes.

KGDoug: How about in life or school or family?

Christopher: In school...getting all of my good grades on my report cards, learning all the new activities, and making new friends. In my family...having fun and getting to learn new things with my mom and dad.

KGDoug: Boy, it sounds like you have a lot of fun...having fun! I bet having fun is the most fun thing you do, right?! :-) What is the absolute craziest thing you have ever done?

Christopher: The craziest thing I have ever done is jumping and flipping around on the bungee cord bouncer. The bungee cord bouncer is a thing they have in the mall that has all these cords. You take off your shoes, and they strap you in, and you can go really high and jump around in all kinds of ways and do flips. I can do the back flip. I can't do the front flip yet, though, it is the hardest flip to do.

KGDoug: What does Karate mean to you and how far to you want to take it in your life?

Christopher: Having the fun that I have. Karate is amazing. Right now my goal is to get to High Red/Black belt. That is awesome! I also want to be a part of the KICK Team. They are so awesome! The KICK Team is a special team in my school that you have to try out for and you have to know how to do all your kicks, and jumps. You have to be a higher belt to get in. The KICK Team stands for "Kicking In Christ's Kingdom". It's a team for young people that speaks out against drug and alcohol abuse, and emphasizes the importance of education and the resistance of Gang lifestyles. (note: some of the info about the KICK Team we were reading right out of Christopher's school handbook.)

KGDoug: Is there anyone you would like to recognize who has helped you reach the level you have so far in your Martial Arts?

Christopher: Michael, Uncle Doug, Aunt Holly, Mr. Ryan, Mr. Craig, Ms. Danielle, Ms.Denay (the first three are family and Christopher's first teachers in Martial Arts, and the last four are Christopher's current Martial Arts Instructors at Won Martial Arts Academy).

KGDoug: Whew! That's a lot of people. Just goes to show you that we always have to have a good team around us. If you could give one piece of advice to our members at, what would it be?

Christopher: Have fun with Karate no matter what!

KGDoug: How did I guess!? Thanks, Christopher, and keep up all the hard work. Go for that high Red/Black belt and keep going. Thanks for being an inspiration to all of us here at and reminding us how fun Karate can be.

And to all you here at

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug

P.S. - I did learn in our conversation that Christopher's school will be represented at the Gator will be there and we look forward to seeing each and every one of you!

The Possibilities Are Endless

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Doctors and scientists said that breaking the four-minute mile was impossible, that one would die in the attempt. Thus, when I got up from the track after collapsing at the finish line, I figured I was dead."
-Roger Bannister (After becoming the first person to break the four-minute mile, 1952)

There is something deep within the human spirit that does not like to be told "you can't do that!" We were created to be winners, champion, overcomers...a race of people who is both willing and capable of breaking just about every record and overcoming every obstacle that is put before us.

Today I want to encourage you to dream big, but don't let it end there...ACT BIG TOO! Whatever is in your heart, your mind...deep down in the core of who you are...go for it! Sure, there will always be detractors and naysayers. Blah, blah, blah! While those people are talkin', you do the walkin'!

Here are a few steps to take in order to accomplish the BIG STUFF in life:

1. Define the dream. Take some time and write it down. Some people draw it out, color it, and then post it on the fridge. Whether you like to write or doodle...get what is inside out and then put it somewhere where it will be in front of you each day.

2. Break it down into achievable steps. Ok, you've got the big picture. Now, you need to know how to make it happen and the best way is one step at a time. What steps - actions - are necessary to bring this thing to life? Write them down too (or draw them)...

3. Follow some footsteps. One of the quickest ways to get from point A to point B on your way to making your dream happen is to find someone who has already done it, or accomplished something similar. Follow that person, write them, interview them, call them, read their books (just don't stalk them) and learn all you can from that person. If no one has ever done what you are setting out to do, the blaze some trails, baby! Get out there and cut a new path.

4. Realize that some will, some won't, so what! One thing to prepare for is that not everyone will share your enthusiasm (they are not supposed's not their dream) and along the way some people will support you, some won't, but regardless you have to say "So what!" and keep truckin'. Some will go part of the way with you, so understand that only you will be able to go all the way!

5. Stay thankful. As you are taking the steps to fulfill your dreams, maintain an attitude of thankfulness. Opportunities, successes, failures, friends, matter, be thankful that you get to do this, no matter what it brings your way. I promise, having an attitude of gratitude will take you very far along your journey.

If you take a moment and look back through history, the individuals who have accomplished the things everyone else admires and looks up to, have endured tremendous trial and a host of people who told them it couldn't be done. They set their mind to their task and kept right on walking. In the process they have also experienced some of the highest highs and most significant joys a person can experience. The Good will always outweigh the difficult if it a dream worth pursuing.

So, I say to you be encouraged and do what you gotta' do! Think big, Dream Big...but DO the things that are BIG enough to match those dreams too. In the end, whether you are breaking a four-minute mile, learning a new form, competing in a big tournament, training for your black belt (and we all better be doing that), remember the possibilities are just have to pick which ones you are going to go for, then make it happen!

So, who's up for a four-minute mile?

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon Username: KGDoug

KICKgen Featured Tournament: Gator Nationals! May 15 & 16

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

10 Reasons to attend the Gator Nationals:

1. Electronic Scoreboards for BB fighting
2. Double elimination sparring for q-belts
3. 20 matted rings with approximately 10 feet between each ring
4. Fantastic 5 star Beach Hotel with Ocean view rooms
5. Restaurants to fit all budget - from local fast foods to steak house
in the hotel
6. $100 Division money for NASKA divisions and NASKA 5A prize fund
7. Divisions for 40 and over; as well as 50 and over competitors
8. Arena seating area for spectators - a raising setup of seats to
ensure everyone gets a clear view
9. Junior team and tag teams fighting
10. World Famous Daytona Beach with: large water park next to the tournament, and amazing beach front accommodations

If you haven't attended this event, KICKgen strongly recommends it. The event is held in a gorgeous hotel right on the beach. It is perfect for a family get-a-way and great martial arts competition. In fact, this is one of the fastest growing events. You won't be disapointed by this tournament and ...we will see you there!

The 411: feel free to contact the promoters they love to help!
Gator NationalsMay 15 - May 16
Promoter: Charlie Lane
Phone: 407.701.7030
Daytona Beach
Ocean CenterEmail:
To register for this event

If you're a competitor, bookmark this page to find the best martial arts events world wide: KICKgen Events. We encourage all of you to support the martial arts and keep competiting!

To add your event to our free listing go toKICKgen Events.
**You must be a registeredmember first. Look for calendar icon at the topright hand side of the events page after you are logged in and add your venue first.

For help please contact

Vital vs. Negative Behavior

Monday, May 4, 2009

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS to Lindy Woods of Dunamis Karate who won my little informal contest about ideas for future writings here at Everyone who responded by comment, email, etc. had great ideas, and what I liked about her ideas were that they were relevant and she had a couple of ideas that included people of every age group and could be a benefit to practitioners across all styles. BunkaHere were her ideas in a nutshell: Bunkai...write about bunkai application in traditional forms, possibly even using video for this one; and, Trivia...she also mentioned doing trivia that would span age-groups, and to me sounds very interactive.

Very cool! I am going to send out a "prize-pack" to her this week, but for now go visit her profile at: dunamiskarate.

Now, about Vital vs. Negative Behaviors...

Let me begin by defining what Vital Behaviors and Negative Behaviors are for the purpose of this column.

Vital Behaviors are behaviors that support and directly reflect the vision, mission, values, strategies, and discipline of your school or martial arts system, leading to results you want to see happen every time your doors are open. These should be displayed by leaders, staff, volunteers, students, and parents who are in your school or training hall each and every week. Many times vital behaviors are not displayed, identified, or recognized and I will talk about that in a moment. For now a simplified example...

Let's say "Kindness" is a value of your school and therefore "being kind" to one another would be a vital behavior. More specifically, you see John (a blue belt in your school) assisting Danny (a new white belt in your school) in tying his belt around his've just witnessed a Vital Behavior. This reflects the value of kindness, and also leads to the desired results of your students leading one another, helping one another, taking responsibility and ownership in "their" school, and assists you in moving training directives along because you don't have to take time out to tie every one's belt. That's just the tip of the iceberg, because now John and Danny are connecting and a friendship is being built, which leads to retention and a wonderful sense of community in your school. In a sense, John is helping Danny know that he is welcome and that he belongs.

All this from tying a belt? If it stems from vital betcha!

Now...Negative Behaviors. Pretty much self-explanatory...any behavior that takes away from all of the above or creates negative tension, confusion, chaos, or any other undesirable result. Same example turned around...

Danny asks John for help in tying his belt. John says, "No way, I am a Blue Belt now and you need to learn to tie your own belt!" Whoa! Back up Bessy!!! I'm sure you can drum up several undesirables in that scenario. Would someone please make John do pushups for the remainder of class?!

So, how do we make Vital Behaviors happen and minimize Negative Behaviors?

A few things for you to roll around in your next leadership meeting or strategic planning session...

First, you must have identified your vision, mission, strategy, values, discipline and any desirable results you want to see happen when your doors are open. This is another conversation in itself, but it is crucial.

Second, you will need to communicate these things to your leaders, staff, volunteers, parents, and students. Each group requires a different type of communication, but people need to know!

Third, and here is the MUST create an environment where Vital Behaviors are encouraged and happen organically!

When someone sees a Vital Behavior in must be recognized. Now, don't think you have to hire a marching band to romp through your school each time you see a desired behavior. Many times a simple pat on the back or, "Good job! Thanks for helping," will suffice. As a leader, you will need to remember these things for awards ceremonies, and other official recognitions. For the most part, though, people just want to know they are doing a good job and that someone notices.

The essence is the environment. Are people empowered to display vital behaviors? Is communication of desired results consistent? Are you leaders aware of what is happening around them? What is to happen when someone does something vital? Who can recognize or reward? Is your environment conducive to vital behaviors and recognition? And...does this type of thing happen on its own...organically? Is it a natural outward display that comes from the core of who YOU are and what your school or system is about? After all, "as the leader goes, so goes the organization!"

On minimizing Negative Behavior: it simply needs to be strategically addressed. Studies show that sometimes less than 1% of people would actually speak up, approach a leader, address an issue directly, or intervene in any way when observing negative behavior. This includes higher level leaders and people at all levels of the social scheme. The sad thing is, if left unchecked, Negative Behaviors can spread like wild fire and next thing you know, you have a full-blown crisis that is school-wide.

This also boils down to environment and systems. Do you have a system in place for someone to follow if they witness undesireable behavior (and one that doesn't point the finger at them)? Has it been communicated? Are your leaders, parents, volunteers, and even students trained to know what to do in situations requiring intervention?

I am going to assume you want a school environment that is positive, healthy, open, and faithful in following the discipline that is worthy of a Martial Arts School. Vital Behaviors are a big key to making that happen. Effectively addressing Negative Behaviors is another key.

Have a plan in place to deal with Negative Behaviors, but focus on creating and nurturing the environment for Vital Behaviors and most of it will take care of itself.

Now, go display some Vital Behavior to someone :)

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug

"Official Guide To What A Martial Artist Really Means"

Friday, May 1, 2009

I was thinking this week about how important keeping our word and speaking truthfully really is. While I was thinking I came across some Martial Arts humor. Let me share with you a few of my favorite "Official Guide To What A Martial Artist Really Means" translations...

When They Say...
What They Really Mean Is...(in Bold/Orange)

Japanese arts are the best
I practice Japanese Martial Arts

High kicks are not practical
I can't do high kicks

Competitions are a waste of time
I never won any competitions

Bruce Lee didn't know what he was talking about
I don't have a clue what Bruce Lee was talking about

Size and strength are not important
Unless the guy you are fighting is bigger and stronger than you

Chinese arts are the best
I practice Chinese Martial Arts

Sophisticated arts like Tai Chi and Aikido are far superior
I am terrified of sparring

My style is the best
I don't know anything about any other style

Korean arts are the best
I practice Korean Martial Arts

This art is thousands of years old
Some dude just started this about 20 years ago

The purpose of the martial arts is spiritual development, humility, and the discipline of the ego
I am so wise and humble now, it's awesome!

Sometimes (you gotta admit) we just have to laugh out loud at some of the silly things we do and say. What's so funny to me is I've actually had people say similar things to me about the Arts. How about you? As human beings we can find ways to justify anything and everything, can't we?

Whether we are at attention in the dojo (or dojang if Korean arts are the best! lol), or we are going through the course of our day, our words are very powerful. What we say can help us or hurt us. Especially when it comes to "keeping our word".

One of the most important lessons we can learn in developing our character is to learn to keep our word. When everything else is gone...when there is nothing else left...your word will be what you are measured by. Can you be trusted? Do people believe you or do they just write you off, because you haven't kept your word? Are people willing to listen to what you have to say?

It's interesting to me, but do you know one of the best ways to discipline yourself to keep your word...?

Keep your trap closed!

That's right...not trying to be rude here, but simply not having a lot to say all the time will help us to say what really matters when it matters. And when it comes to keeping your word, when you can keep quiet until you have thought through everything there is to think through on a issue, you will only make a promise or guarantee based on the reality of what you can deliver...not just because you wanted to flap your trap and impress someone!

The "translations" above can be funny to those of us willing to laugh a little...but your word is serious business. Over the weekend, think about it...Are you trustworthy? Does your "word" mean anything? What must you do to strengthen your word? If you are trustworthy person, how can you help others learn the "discipline of the tongue" and to keep their word?

In life, this is possibly one of the most important things we can learn to do. It's worth giving significant time and effort to. One way to know how you are doing in this area is to ask a mentor, your Martial Arts instructor, a parent, or a trustworthy friend (and I mean, they better be truly honest and trustworthy) what they think about your "word". Ask them if you can be trusted...if you have influence with people through your words...

Then, make adjustments. Do whatever it takes to kick this part of your life and character up a notch or two! Whether you are strong or weak in this area...there is always room for improvement.

And remember, when you say, "I give you my word..." What you really mean to say better be "I give you my word, and my word is good!"

Have An Extraordinary Weekend!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug

P.S. - The little contest I was running from earlier in the week is over now. I will announce the winner at the beginning of next week. There were some really good ideas and it was helpful to me to know what is of interest to you. Thanks for your feedback and I will chat with you on Monday!