Like A Triple Shot of Espresso!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Earlier today I had a message pop up from a friend on Facebook. He said he just couldn't get going for anything. He simply had no motivation to get anything done and was royally bummed because of the way he was feeling.

We have all had those days, yes? Days when we feel like crawling up under the sheets and hiding from everyone and everything...days when doing absolutely nothing is not simply an option, it's a way of life! The problem is we usually feel bummed out ourselves if we give in to those feelings. We are people of motion. We are created to get things done and accomplish on a daily basis.

So, how do we stay motivated during those times when we could care less if the whole planet packed up and moved to Saturn, and left us to wallow in our BLAH?

Coffee (or energy drinks) might be an answer...if you didn't crash 2 hours after every cup (or can)! Unfortunately, the effects of mega-caffeinated indulgences, including the spazz-out-like-a-wet-cat jitters, don't do much to help us stay motivated no matter how many Lattes (or energy monsters) you consume in an eight-hour period.

Here are 3 tips to get you moving as though you just downed a triple shot Cuban espresso (don't do it people, just don't!):

1. Discover what makes you go ZOOM!

Some of us are energized by projects, work-related tasks, figuring out solutions to save the world...small things like that :). Some of us love simply connecting with people, enjoying some meaningful conversation. What energizes you? What motivates you? Are you the type of person who like tackling a big project, by yourself or even with a team of like-minded people? Do you enjoy hanging out with friends and engaging in a good conversation, or doing something absolutely random and hilarious?

Whatever it is, discover what really motivates you and get busy making it happen. Often the process of planning to do something is enough to get your engine running on all eight cylinders. The act of doing is just the icing on the cake.

2. Engage in some Up-Time or some Down-Time!

Are you the adventure type? Or the curl-up-with-a-book-in-a-big-cushy-chair type? You may need to plan a day trip to do some hiking, or if you're like me, some bungee-jumping. Perhaps a random 3-rounds of sparring with another martial artist. Something physical, daring...exhilarating. Adventure. It's in your blood. It gets you going...motivation!

Like a good book? Chill-out time with some meditation and green-tea? Journaling? Some Tai-Chi, yoga, or other slow-movement type activity? Down-time is your way to replenishment. You fill up on slowing down. Schedule some down time and energize those bones!

3. Dig deep for inspiration!

There is a constant source of inspiration all around us, every day. It's up to you to tap that source. One way to get in touch with some inspiration is to re-connect with the big picture. Often we can get bogged down by day-to-day minutia. Schedules get cramped, budgets get squeezed, heart rates go WAY up. There are times when we have to fly up to 30,000 feet and get a birds-eye view of everything again. What's the mission? Why am I here? What is my purpose today? Big picture stuff can light some of the dimmest fires inside us.

You may need to do something a little more down to celebrate! Call on a recent achievement and remind yourself that you are a success, you can get things done, that no matter how big or how small, you are an accomplish-er. Think of something you did recently that you were proud of and throw a little party. Treat yourself to something nice. Simple, but nice. Be inspired by your accomplishments and let it be the fuel that drives you forward to your next success destination.

Here's a BONUS tip for you. This is one of my favorite get-motivated-or-bust techniques. Remember that guy on Facebook I told you about? This is exactly what I told him to do to overcome the can't-get-motivated-blues:

Focus on someone else! That's right, it's not all about you.

One of the quickest shots of motivation you can give yourself is to do something for someone else. Get involved in a charity project that benefits a local group of people or organization. A children's home, a soup kitchen...something that is just outside your comfort zone, and that will completely remind you of just how fortunate you are to be who you are.

You could go a simpler route and do just as much good. Pick up the phone and encourage a friend, or find someone in your sphere of influence who could use a helping hand. Regardless of what you do, do something...something that benefits someone else, significantly!

Nix the triple-shot and engage in something that will truly motivate you! In the meantime...

Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon username: KGDoug
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