Words of Wisdom: Something To Hold On To...
Today I would like to introduce a new theme to our daily posts...Wisdom.
Wisdom is one of those things that few people think about consistently, but it is the one thing that can really enrich and fulfill your life like nothing else.
I was asked recently by a young father to give him one - and only one - thing I thought would be worth sharing with his child. After thinking about it for a moment, I said, "Wisdom." He was an insightful fellow, so he got it right away. The thing about wisdom is this: if you can share wisdom with someone, you can teach them about love, prosperity, relationships, health, good grades, pet care (yes, pet care), respect, honor, values, strategy, finances...and so much more...all with just a few words that are meaningful and easily remembered.
Here's the catch...
Wisdom is not something you READ...it is something you DO!
So, when you get a nugget of wisdom, it is meant for you to do something with it. Learn how to apply it and use it daily. I promise you, your life will change for the better!
Here is a chewy nugget for today:
"Hold on to instruction, do not let it go;
guard it well, for it is your life."
When reading wise sayings from someone, try to key in on the, well...key words. Break it down like this:
Instruction - Teaching or some form of investment into your life by someone who has "been there, done that."
Guard - Don't let anyone or anything take it from you. Hold it close, protect it and begin to realize just how valuable it is.
Life - Your very breath, blood, and necessary functions for living life at the highest level.
Now, think of someone like a parent, a Martial Arts instructor, a teacher, a mentor, or a Life Coach who has made an investment of wisdom into your life. What was the instruction? What did they say to you or show you? How does it apply to you? What are you doing with it?
Place a high level of value on it and put some real focus into it and understand your life will be deeply enriched, possible even saved, by the wisdom you have received. Now put it into play...take action on what you have been taught, or think of a time in the future when you may need to call on that nugget of wisdom and tuck it away for such a time.
Let's read it again:
Hold on to instruction, do not let it go;
guard it well, for it is your life.
Now...go do something with it.
Have An Extraordinary Day!
Doug McGannon
Kickgen.com username: KGDoug
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